
  1. 天津市4050人员就业援助对策研究

    A Study on the Policies and Measures of Offering Employment Assistance to 4050 People in Tianjin

  2. 本文以天津市为背景,分析了4050人员的基本情况和目前开展就业援助工作的现状。

    This thesis takes Tianjin as the background , and analyzes the general condition of 4050 people and the current situation of fulfilling employment assistance .

  3. 第一章通过大量的基础数据研究分析了4050人员的基本情况和就业现状。

    In Chapter One , the basic condition and the current employment situation of 4050 people are analyzed through a great deal of basic datum study .

  4. 第二章对天津市目前开展4050人员就业援助的一些独到的做法进行了总结,分析了工作中存在的问题。

    In Chapter Two , some original measures for assisting 4050 people with employment taken nowadays in Tianjin are summarized and the existing problems thereof are analyzed .

  5. 第四章将4050人员按照就业能力的强弱划为四类,提出对每一类人员开展就业援助的具体政策建议。

    In Chapter Four , 4050 people are divided into four groups according to the ability of obtaining employment and the detailed policy proposals for offering employment assistance to each group are brought forward .

  6. 结果总体来说,4050人员的总健康状况一般,生理健康状况良好,社会健康状况一般,唯独心理健康状况较差。

    Results On the whole , the general healthy condition of the forties and fifties was average . They have favorable physical conditions of normal social health conditions , while the psychological health was relatively poor .

  7. 同时对于解决4050人员的就业难问题应当大力的发展农村不动产的租赁经济,进而促进农业劳动力的就地转移和农民收入的提高,实现北京城市和乡村的一体化发展。

    For solving the employment problem 4050 personnel should vigorously develop the rural economy , the real estate leasing and promote the agricultural workforce and peasants ' income increase . Realizing the integration of Beijing urban and rural development .

  8. 中国社会正在发生的社会转型和当前的制度安排不仅使4050人员的生命周期发生了制度性紊乱,同时也限制了他们适应危机的行为选择;

    The current social transformation and institutional arrangements in China have not only caused institutional disarray in the life cycle of laid-off and unemployed workers in their forties and fifties , but limited their behavior options in responding to the crisis .

  9. 特别是大龄下岗失业人员(通常指女40周岁以上,男50周岁以上的下岗失业人员,简称4050人员)的就业问题成为诸多矛盾的焦点。

    Among those problems , the employment of the relatively aged unemployed people ( generally the female aged more than 40 years old and the male aged more than 50 years old , i.e. 4050 people for short ) is becoming the focus .