
  1. 4月28日,RIM表示,鉴于新款黑莓产品将在今年晚些时候上市,公司预计本财年每股收益将达到7.5美元。

    On April 28 , rim said it expected to earn a net profit of $ 7.50 a share in its current fiscal year , citing new BlackBerry products that would arrive later in the year .

  2. 4月28日,周一,我回到了莫斯科。

    On Monday , April 28 , I returned to Moscow .

  3. 山东省2006年4月28日飑线天气过程分析

    Analysis of a Squall Line Event on 28 April 2006 in Shandong Province

  4. 我们已经看到,4月28日是地下避弹室中十分难熬的一天。

    April 28 , as we have seen , had been a trying day in the bunker .

  5. 上周六一4月28日,我和同窗去了黉舍附近的公园。

    Last Saturday & April28th , my classmates and I went to the park near my school .

  6. 慢震复合性质的进一步证据:1997年4月28日爱德华王子岛地震

    Further evidence for the compound nature of slow earthquakes : The Prince Edward Island earthquake of April 28,1997

  7. 该指数自去年11月以来上涨44%,但自4月28日以来下跌了7%。

    The index has risen 44 per cent since November but since April 28 is down 7 per cent .

  8. 1990年4月28日星期五,她去进行常规的透析治疗,但再也没能回来。

    On Friday April 28 , 1990 , she went for her regular dialysis treatment but did not return .

  9. 从今年4月28日起,相关人员将开始对国家自然历史博物馆里的化石馆进行修复。

    Starting April 28 of this year , the National Museum of Natural History will begin renovating its fossil hall .

  10. 这名男子在沙特阿拉伯的一家健康中心工作,他由于感染了中东呼吸系统综合征,于4月28日住院治疗。

    The man , who worked in heath care in Saudi Arabia , has been hospitalized since April 28 with MERS .

  11. 1918年4月28日,他因肺结核死于狱中&他有大把的时间见证自己对历史的影响。

    He died there of tuberculosis on April 28 1918 , having had ample time to witness his own effect on history .

  12. 2001年4月28日修改的《婚姻法》增设了无效婚姻与可撤销婚姻制度。

    The amendment of the marriage law , ratified on April 28 , 2001 , added the system of the void and voidable marriage .

  13. 这也就意味着,在4月28日举办的这场马拉松赛事中,有近5000名选手没有跑完马拉松或半程马拉松的全程。

    This meant around 5,000 runners missed out on running the full length of the marathon or half-marathon courses at the event on April 28 .

  14. 4月28日公布的改革内容包括加大上市前的信息披露力度,并让机构更多地参与定价环节。这些举措应该能为赌场一般的中国股市带来更大的稳定性。

    More pre-listing disclosures and greater institutional participation in pricing – the reforms detailed on Sunday – should add some stability to China 's casino-like markets .

  15. 据路透社4月28日报道,世界众多制药公司一直致力于研发一种能够抑制精子生成的男性激素类避孕药片或注射针剂,希望这能给那些实施计划生育的家庭更大的选择空间。

    Drug companies have been working on a male pill or injection to inhibit sperm production and give couples a greater choice of family planning methods .

  16. 杰西卡.阿尔芭1981年4月28日出生于加利福尼亚州波莫纳城,是电视剧和电影中最火的女演员和最性感的模特之一。

    Born in Pomona , California , on April 28 , 1981 , Jessica Alba is one of the sexiest model and hottest actresses of television and film .

  17. 2001年4月28日,苏州有线数字电视正式推出,这也成为我国第一个投入市场运营的数字有线电视。

    Suzhou Digtal Community Antenna Television came into been on the day of April 28,2001 , which is the first one of been virtually operated in our country .

  18. 当花生4月28日播种,密度为17.28万穴/hm2时,荚果产量最高,达4760.0kg/hm2;

    The maximum yield can reach as high as 4,760.0 kg / ha when the sowing date was on 28 , April and the plant density was 172,800 holes / ha .

  19. ipad2将于4月28日星期四进入日本市场;4月29日星期五进入香港、中国、看过、新加坡以及其他8个国家和地区的市场。

    IPad 2 will be Thursday , April 28 to enter the Japanese market ; April 29 Friday to enter Hong Kong , China , Korea , Singapore and 8 other countries and regional markets .

  20. 纽约(路透社,健康部)2010年4月28日-新的研究发现,肥胖及吸烟均可增加血栓性疾病的风险,不过其他可能影响的危险因素却没有发现。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) Apr28-Obesity and smoking may each raise the risk of venous thromboembolism ( VTE ), but certain other suspected risk factors seem to have no impact , a new study finds .

  21. 2001年4月28日,《上市公司发行可转换公司债券实施办法》及其三个配套文件正式出台,标志着可转换公司债券成为我国资本市场一种常规的投融资金融工具。

    After several years of stagnation , Regulations of Offering Convertible Bond and other three relevant official regulation papers were brought out in April 2001 , indicating that convertible bond is officially recognized as an ordinary financing approach .

  22. 4月28日,她还在技术、文化网站ModelViewCulture.com发布了一篇声明。她在声明中表示,希望大家都能来晒工资,“打破了不谈薪酬的禁忌,以后讨论起工资来会更自在”。

    In a manifesto she wrote and published on April 28 on tech and culture website ModelViewCulture.com , Voswinkel said she hoped that mass salary disclosures would " break the taboo surrounding salaries , so that people would become more comfortable with discussing pay . "

  23. 2011年4月28日,中国国家统计局公布了第六次全国人口普查数据,流动人口有2.2亿人,相比十年前增长了81.03%,其中举家迁徙的占六成以上。

    April 28,2011 , National Bureau of Statistics of China released the 6th national population census data , there were 2.2 million migrant people , compared with 10 years ago , up by 81.03 % , and over 60 % of migrant people moved with his family .

  24. 小麦分子与细胞遗传学研讨会论文摘要2000年4月22~28日培育磷高效小麦品种的遗传学与生理学基础

    Genetic and Physiological basis for breeding Phosphorus Nutrient Efficient Wheat Varieties

  25. 对1997年4月28~29日山东连续两天出现大范围冰雹天气的天气系统和热力及动力场特征进行了分析。

    The weather system , thermal and dynamical features of the continued hail shooting weather process over a large area in Shandong Province on 28-29 April 1997 were analyzed .

  26. 这些航班将于4月21日和28日从伦敦出发。

    The flights will depart London on April 21st and 28th .

  27. 4月25日至28日期间,超过300场龙卷风席卷此地,数目空前频繁。

    More than 300 tornadoes tore through the region between April 25th and 28th , an unprecedented number .

  28. 1990年7月4日到9月28日,对北京朝阳区洼里乡的麦茬稻田甲烷排放进行了测定研究,取得了不同农业管理条件下的一些初步结果。

    From July 4 to Sept. 28 , 1990 , the CH4 emission from paddy fields of rice after wheat in Beijing area and the effects of different field managements on CH4 emission were studied .

  29. 劳动节:4月29日至5月1日,4月27日和28日为工作日。

    Labor Day : April 29 to May 1 with April 27 and 28 working days .