
  • 网络S&P;Standard & Poor;S&P index;S&P Indices
  1. 标准普尔指数显示房价在大城市中加速下降跌。

    The Standard Poor 's S P / Case-Shiller index showed that home prices are falling faster in the nation 's largest cities .

  2. 但是提供高折扣的零售商FamilyDollar,周二为止股价上涨了32%,成为标准普尔指数表现最好的公司。

    But discount retailer Family Dollar is on track to be the top performer this year as of Tuesday the stock was up more than 32 % .

  3. 标准普尔指数上升500到达1461。这里是NPR新闻。

    And S & P 500 up slightly 1461.This is NPR news .

  4. 唯一的问题是与此同时,标准普尔指数(StandardPoorsindex)的涨幅更大差不多同期涨了近80%。

    The only problem is the standard & Poors index in the same time was up even more - nearly 80 % in roughly the same time .

  5. 8月份这轮主要由科技股拉动的涨势以成交量偏小为特征,苹果公司(apple)股价创出历史新高每股674.88美元,目前其在标准普尔指数中所占权重已经接近5%。

    Low equity volumes have typified the August rally led by technology shares , with apple touching a record high of $ 674.88 and now alone accounting for nearly 5 per cent of the S & P.

  6. 股市上涨的同时,股票波动性在稳步降低。标准普尔指数中衡量风险的主要指标波动率指数(Vix)如今低于40,为去年9月以来的最低水平。

    Accompanying the rally in stocks has been a steady decline in equity volatility , with the SP 's main gauge of risk , the Vix index , now below 40 its lowest level since last September .

  7. 标准普尔指数小幅下降,报收1877点。

    And the S & P fell a fraction ending at 1877 .

  8. 这意味着,标准普尔指数还可能再下跌30%左右。

    That implies a further fall of about 30 per cent for the S & P.

  9. 但格林斯潘的话仍足以推动标准普尔指数下跌0.7%。

    But his words were still enough to prompt a 0.7 per cent sell-off in the S & P.

  10. 2000年互联网泡沫破灭后,标准普尔指数下跌49.1%。

    After the " internet bust " of 2000 , the S & P fell 49.1 per cent .

  11. 今天华尔街股市下跌,道琼斯工业平均指数下跌44点,标准普尔指数下跌7点。

    Stocks fell on Wall Street today , the Dow lost 44 points , the S & P dropped seven .

  12. 截至4月1日,今年苹果公司的股价已经飙升109%,标准普尔指数也上升了41%。

    In the year ending April 1 , Apple soared 109 % and the S & P 500 rose 41 % .

  13. 但目前似乎没人在乎,而标准普尔指数也一直在上扬。信贷方面的担忧则重要得多。

    But nobody seems to care , and the S & P has been rising . Credit concerns are much more important .

  14. 2008年公司收入增长了15%,股票(最近刚进入道琼斯30指数)在2009年的表现也好于标准普尔指数。

    Revenue was up15 % in2008 , and the stock-a recent addition to the Dow30-outperformed the S & P over the past year .

  15. 一家市场表现超过标准普尔指数三倍的公司,为什么会成为维权派投资者攻击的目标?

    How does a company that outperforms the S & P index by a factor of three become a target for an activist shareholder ?

  16. 让我们关注下华尔街,道琼斯指数下跌25点,纳斯达克指数下跌10点,标准普尔指数下跌2点。

    On Wall Streets just before the close , the DOW was down 25 , the NASDAQ off 10 , the S & P down 2 .

  17. 这个消息让投资者很高兴:股价暴涨,甚至在消息发布一周后,这只股票相对于标准普尔指数在这7天上涨了12%。

    The news made investors happy : The stock popped , and even a week later was up 12 % relative to the SP over that same 7-day period .

  18. 据信用评等机构标准普尔指数的“杠杆贷款报告”显示,2007年前三个月是美国杠杆贷款市场有史以来最繁忙的三个月。

    According to Standard & Poor 's LCD , a division of the rating agency , the first three months of2007 were the busiest ever for the American leveraged-loan market .

  19. 金砖四国股市交易的平均市盈率为15倍,仅略低于标准普尔指数。但是,更长期的力量也在起作用。

    BRIC stock markets trade on an average 15 times earnings , only a hair less than the S & P. But there are longer term forces at work too .

  20. 本周,道琼斯平均指数小幅小升,标准普尔指数上升0.3%,但是纳斯达克指数的下跌幅度超过了1%。

    For the week , the Dow was up slightly , while the S & P is up 0.3 % , but the Nasdaq is down more than 1 % .

  21. 20年后,经通胀调整后的标准普尔指数回报率接近6%,而具有可比性的无风险国债回报率甚至不到负18%。

    By 20 years out , the inflation - adjusted S & P return would be nearly 6 per cent , while the comparable risk-free T-Bill return would be worse than negative 18 per cent .

  22. 虽然高盛承认,回购并不总是个股走势强于大盘的可靠指标,2009年3月以来有新回购计划的股票在宣布回购前后,股价走势确实强于标准普尔指数。

    While Goldman admits that buybacks are not always a reliable indicator of stock outperformance , since March 2009 , stocks with new repurchase agreements have outperformed the S & P around the announcement of the buybacks .

  23. 不过,罗森伯格警告称,随着标准普尔指数第二季度已上涨15%,自6月底以来涨幅已接近6%,美国股市的表现可能已经超前。

    However , Mr Rosenberg warned that the US equity market might be getting ahead of itself following the SP 's 15 per cent rise in the second quarter and near 6 per cent gain since the end of June .

  24. 标准普尔指数显示,上月,巴西、波兰和土耳其股市的涨幅全都超过13%,希腊和西班牙分别反弹了21%和29%。

    Last month , the equity markets of Brazil , Poland and Turkey all rose more than 13 per cent , according to S & P Indices , while shares in Greece and Spain recovered 21 and 29 per cent respectively .

  25. 另一个最常用以比较的时代是1973年开始的熊市。当时恰逢油价飙升,70年代大滞胀周期伊始。标准普尔指数下跌了47.8%。

    The other era that most closely compares is the bear market that began in 1973 , coinciding with the oil price spike and the beginning of the great " stagflationary " cycle of the 1970s . The S & P fell 47.8 per cent .

  26. 8月2日,负债协议签署的那天,由于投资者寻求安全,标准普尔指数迎来一年多以来的最大单日跌幅,十年期国债收益下跌2.6%,达到9个月以来的最低水平。

    On August 2nd , the day the debt deal was signed , the S & P 500 index saw its biggest one-day fall in over a year , and yields on ten-year Treasury bonds dropped to 2.6 % , their lowest level in nine months , as investors sought safety .

  27. 八分钟后,标准普尔500指数(StandardPoor's500)创下历史新高。

    Eight minutes later , the Standard Poor 's 500-stock index hit an all-time high .

  28. 自1987年至2007年,标准普尔500指数(StandardandPoor’s500)成分股企业利用股票回购返还给股东的金额增加了18倍。

    The amount distributed by Standard and Poor 's 500 companies using share buybacks increased 18-fold between 1987 and 2007 .

  29. 苹果在标准普尔500指数(Standard&Poor’s500-stockindex)中的权重为3.5%左右。

    Apple accounts for about 3.5 percent of the weighting of the Standard & Poor 's 500-stock index .

  30. 下表归纳了标准普尔500指数维持调整(maintenanceadjustments)的类型,并标明了是否需要进行除数调整。

    The following table summarizes the types of S & P500 Index maintenance adjustments and indicates whether a divisor adjustment is required .