
  • 网络leadership effectiveness;leading efficiency
  1. 企业领导者情绪智力与领导效能关系研究

    A Study on Leaders ' Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Effectiveness in Companies

  2. 山西省中学校长领导效能及其影响因素研究

    Study of Leadership Effectiveness and Influential Factors on Secondary School Principals in Shanxi Province

  3. 虚拟团队类型及其对领导效能的影响机制

    Types of Virtual Teams and the Influencing Mechanism of Leading Efficiency

  4. 企业人力资源管理与领导效能关系实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of Human Resource Management and Leadership Validity of Enterprises

  5. 它是取得最佳领导效能的前提与条件。

    It is the precondition and condition for achieving the best leading efficiency .

  6. 企业文化与领导效能的关系研究

    Linking Corporate Culture to Leadership Effectiveness

  7. 从组织体制的二维角度来研究企业文化与领导效能的关系。

    This study focused on the relationship between corporate culture and leadership effectiveness under different organizational systems .

  8. 在详实分析影响领导效能维度的基础上,提出了战略领导效能的五方面。

    Elaborately analysis on the leadership effectiveness dimension is to propose five aspects of the effectiveness of strategic leadership .

  9. 企业一把手的威信是增强领导效能、实现企业目标的重要因素和基础条件。

    The prestige of the chief director is an important factor and foudmental condition to strengthen leading performance and realize the business target .

  10. 发展你的教练技巧,因为它们与专业组织与领导效能时,您的追求心理学文学硕士的,执行教练专业化从落基山

    Develop your coaching skills as they relate to professional organization and leadership effectiveness when you pursue your Master of Arts in Psychology , Execut

  11. 结果表明:1、被测校长中工作导向与关系导向的领导者占一半,他们对情境的控制度与领导效能较高;

    The findings indicate that 1 . Half of the candidates have relationship-motivation and work-motivation , who have higher level of situation control and leadership effectiveness ;

  12. 根据高阶理论,要提高创业型外资企业绩效,首先要提升高管团队的领导效能。

    From the Upper Echelon Theory point of view we understand to improve the effectiveness of TMT before we are able to enhance the organizational performance .

  13. 概括起来影响校长领导效能的因素来自三个方面:即校长个人素质、校长领导行为以及校长工作环境和条件。

    To sum up , there are three factors affecting principals ' leadership efficiency , i.e. personal qualifications , leadership behaviours and working environment and conditions .

  14. 提高校长领导效能的关键是在充分认识各种影响因素的基础上,灵活调整自己的领导行为。

    The key to improving the effect of schoolmasters lies in the adjustment of their leading behaviors flexibly on the basis of clear understanding of the influence different elements .

  15. 权力影响力和非权力影响力互相补充,互相促进,共同推动领导效能的提高,而非权力影响力起着更重要更关键的作用。

    While power influence and non-power influence complement and help each other forward , so as to promote leadership effectiveness , non-power influence plays a more important and crucial role .

  16. 考虑到任务复杂性的关键角色决定了虚拟团队的内在特征及不同类型的团队承担的领导力的挑战,对有效管理虚拟团队的领导效能也进行了探讨。

    Considering the critical role of task complexity in determining the underlying characteristics of virtual teams , the leadership for the effective management of virtual teams is proposed and discussed .

  17. 情绪智力的运用情绪提高绩效维度对领导效能的团体目标达成和工作满意度维度预测力分别为13.5%和15.5%;

    The dimension of use of emotion facilitate performance ( UOE ) in emotional intelligence can forecast group target reached and job satisfaction . Its forecasting force is 13.5 % and 15.5 % respectively .

  18. 相关的实证研究发现前瞻性人格对个体工作结果、职业生涯结果、团队效能、领导效能、新进人员适应性以及创业等后果变量均具有一定的影响。

    Studies have indicated that proactive personality is related to a host of outcome variables , including individual work-related outcomes , career outcomes , team effectiveness , leadership effectiveness , newcomer adjustment , and entrepreneurship .

  19. 高层管理团队通过战略决策过程对企业产生影响,其领导效能的高低、战略决策正确与否,势必对企业的绩效甚至长远发展产生重要的影响。

    Top management team influenced organization through strategy decision process , it 's effectiveness is high or low , strategy decision correct or not , certainly will influence organization performance , even will influence organization 's long-term development .

  20. 本文对企业家人格魅力、领导效能、环境不确定性、企业绩效四者之间的关系进行了探讨,构建了以领导效能为中介变量的传导机制。

    The article mainly discusses charisma of entrepreneurs , leadership effectiveness , the environment uncertainty , the corporate performance and the relationship between them . Therefore , the transmission mechanism which regards leadership effectiveness as mediator has been formed .

  21. 其中,创业领导效能的影响作用最大,关系协调效能的影响作用不显著。第四,创业自我效能感在社会资本与创业决策可行性感知关系之间存在中介作用。

    Self-efficacy of business leadership makes the largest contribution , and self-efficacy of coordination did not affect the perceived feasibility . ( 4 ) Entrepreneurial self-efficacy has the intermediary role between social capital and feasibility perceived of entrepreneurship decision .

  22. 构建地方政府高效能的行政系统需要三方面的合力,一是要有良好的体制环境,二是地方政府提升自身领导效能的能力,三是健全的地方政府运行机制。

    It needs a composition of force from three aspects to build a high effective administrative system . Firstly , it needs a good institutional environment . Secondly , it needs the ability of improving the leadership effectiveness . Thirdly , it needs a sound operational mechanism for local governments .

  23. 其二,提高领导整体效能。

    Secondly , improve the overall efficiency of leadership .

  24. 高度分散的股权结构下变革性领导行为效能高于交易型领导行为。

    The effectiveness of transactional leadership is higher than that of transformational leadership under highly concentrated ownership structure . 4 .

  25. 提高领导工作的效能之我见

    My Opinion to Improve the Working Efficiency of Leadership

  26. 文章首先辨析了团队、团队领导和团队效能的内涵。

    Firstly , the intensions of team , team leader and team performance are analyzed .

  27. 变革型领导模式的效能在跨国创业的成熟阶段相对最大,成长阶段相对最小。

    Transformational leadership had the strongest effect in the mature stage , and the weakest in the growing stage .

  28. 同时在对战略领导内涵及其效能分析的基础上,提出战略领导创新模式和战略领导效能模型。

    Based on the content of strategic leadership and leadership effectiveness , this paper proposes strategic leadership innovative models and strategic leadership effectiveness model .

  29. 组织创新氛围的3个具体因素(工作环境与氛围、团队领导风格与效能、任务特征)都对员工创造力有影响,其中任务特征对创造力的影响最大。

    The creativity of employees is affected by factors on the layers of organizational work environment , supervisor , and job characteristics , among which , the job characteristics has the most influential effect .

  30. 以价值为本领导行为与领导效能在中国的实证研究

    Value Based Leadership : An Empirical Test of Chinese CEO 's