
  • 网络power;leading power
  1. 领导权力生命周期的探讨和应用

    An Exploration and Application of the Life Cycle of Leadership Power

  2. 论我国高等学校领导权力分治与统整

    On Deconcentration and Integration of Leadership Power of Institutions of Higher Education

  3. 西方政府领导权力周期原动力及模式探析

    Analysis Cycle Driving Force and Model of Western Governmental Leadership

  4. 组织的领导权力并不是来自俱乐部的委托授权,主要来自行政授权;组织的成员俱乐部不享有自治权力。

    Organization leader power is come from administration authorization , but club authorization .

  5. 浅谈领导权力的形成机理

    Study on Formation of Leader ship Power

  6. 高等学校领导权力对学校各方面工作的影响是直接的、巨大的。

    Leadership power of institutions of higher education has a direct and crucial influence to institutional operation .

  7. 在我国社会转型期,加强对行政领导权力异化现象的研究势在必行。

    The transition in our society , strengthen the powers of the executive leadership of alienation is imperative .

  8. 领导权力的“两重性”、委托过程、运行过程都决定其需要人民群众进行监督。

    Two aspects of leader 's authority , entrustment process and operation process need be supervised by people .

  9. 提高你对社会影响力过程、沟通、冲突、决策、团队进程、权力和领导权力的认识。

    Improve your understanding of social influence processes , communication , conflict , decision-making , group process , power , and leadership .

  10. 因此研究正职领导权力腐败治理是当务之急,也具有有一定理论价值和实践指导意义。

    Therefore , the power of top leaders of corruption control is a priority , also has a certain theoretical and practical significance .

  11. 在报业内部管理中,领导权力过大而缺乏有效的监督,在职消费方面浪费现象也比较严重。

    In newspaper internal management , the leading too much power and lack of effective supervision , On-the-job consumer spending waste phenomenon also is more serious .

  12. 从侦查机关与检察机关在刑事诉讼程序中的关系来看,应当赋予检察机关对侦查的领导权力。

    Viewed from the relations of investigation organs and prosecutorial organs in the procedure of criminal lawsuit , prosecutorial organs should be entitled the leading power over investigation .

  13. 领导权力的上升、持续、衰落有一定的规律,即领导权力生命周期曲线是一条不规则抛物线。

    The ascension , continuity and decline of leadership power follow certain rule . That is to say the life curve of leadership power is an irregular parabola .

  14. 因此,本文基于印象管理理论,以建言行为为研究对象,试图探讨建言行为、领导权力距离、领导绩效导向和绩效评价之间的关系。

    Therefore , based on the theory of impression management , in order to explore the relationship between voice behavior , power distance , performance orientation and performance evaluation .

  15. 教育垄断是一种典型的行政垄断,它主要表现为实施市场准入、采取价格管制、实施地域保护、把持领导权力。

    Education monopoly , which is admittance to the market , restriction of price , protection of zone and control of power , is one of the typical administration monopoly .

  16. 民办幼儿园园长园本课程领导权力具体指奖赏权、专家权、参照权、法职权、强制权、道德权六种权力。

    The power of private kindergarten the principal kindergarten-based curriculum leadership refers to reward power , expert power , referent power , authority power , coercive power , moral power of six powers .

  17. 领导者在某一岗位任职时间的长短受领导权力生命周期的制约,正确理解、运用领导权力生命周期理论具有重要的现实意义。

    The length of service of a leader at one post is restricted by the leadership power curve , therefore correct understanding and application of the life cycle theory of the leadership power is of practical significance .

  18. 明确提出大学生态管理及其评价的新理念;学术权力和行政权力、党的领导权力的平衡理念;

    It describes a new concept of the " ecological management " of the university and a new evaluation system , as well as a the balance concept of the academic power , administration power and the party power .

  19. 提升能力:提高关于园本课程领导权力专业知识技能;提升自身素质,充分有效地行使道德权力;强化人际交往能力三个方面。

    Ability : to improve on the power of kindergarten-based curriculum leadership of professional knowledge and skills ; improve their own quality , full and effective exercise of moral authority ; to strengthen the three aspects of interpersonal skills .

  20. 当前,我国进入社会主义法治国家建设新时期,监督机制建设是依法治国的重要方面,而公民权利监督因其特殊性成为领导权力监督机制的一个重要组成部分。

    At present , China has entered the new period of socialist rule of law in nation-building , monitoring mechanisms is an important aspect of the rule of law , and civil rights oversight authority because of their uniqueness as a monitoring mechanism leading an important part .

  21. 结果表明,随着决策任务日趋复杂化,领导权力应该分布于具有相应决策能力的不同成员,而不是集中于某一指定领导者,这对企业领导模式的发展有一定的指导意义。

    The results show that , as the decision-making tasks becoming more and more complicated , leadership should be distributed in different members with corresponding decision ability , rather than focus on a designated leader . It is of certain guiding significance on the development of leadership pattens .

  22. 建立和完善对领导干部权力的制约、监督机制,有效地保证对领导干部的监督力度。

    Establishing and perfecting restraint and supervision upon Cadres ' power can guarantee the supervision of cadres .

  23. 要完善现行领导干部权力运行机制就必须有总体思考和具体思路。

    To make the mechanism perfect , we must have general consideration and concrete train of thought .

  24. 对领导干部权力运用的审计监督,要确保重点,把握住关键环节;

    The leader 's authority to audit , needs to grasp the main and important points , masters the key processes ;

  25. 答:在我看来,当领导与权力无关,而是一个工作过程,在业内建立联系。

    A. For me it 's not about power , it 's about the working process and making links within the industry .

  26. 在社会转型时期,一些高校领导干部权力观发生错位,出现了官本位或权力寻租等现象。

    In the period of social transition , some leaders outlooks on power are put in such wrong positions as official-oriented or power selling .

  27. 桑德伯格说,当女性作为领导行使权力时,别人会说她们太专横,而当男性担任领导角色时,别人会鼓励他们。

    Women are told they are too bossy when they exert themselves as leaders , while men are encouraged when they lead , Ms. Sandberg said .

  28. 因此,如何加强新形势下对领导干部权力的监督,成为党的建设中一个十分重要的课题。

    As a result , how to strengthen the new situation on the power of supervision of leading cadres , party building has become a very important issue .

  29. 实现审计对领导干部权力的有效监督,应不断拓展制约和监督的内容。阐述了如何进一步加强和改进审计对领导干部权力的制约和监督。

    In order to realize valid supervision to the powers the content of restriction and supervision should be developed constantly , and how to further enhance and improve it .

  30. 在干部管理监督机制中引入审计监督制度,是党和国家在新时期对领导干部权力实施有效监督和制约的一项重要举措。

    The introduction of the audit supervision system in cadre management and supervision is an important measure for the party and the state to effectively supervise and restrict the power of the leading cadres .