
  • 网络teratogens
  1. 在神经管发育过程中,多种环境致畸因素可对其产生影响,引发神经管畸形(Neuraltubedefects,NTDs)。

    During neural tube development , many environmental teratogens may have adverse effects and thus induce neural tube defects ( NTDs ) .

  2. 神经管的发育和分化是一个非常复杂的生物进化过程,并且受各种致畸因素调节和影响,其中最重要的就是环境致畸中的高温因素。

    The development and differentiation of neural tube is a very complicated biological process . This process is regulated and affected by various teratogens , and one notable environmental teratogen is fetal exposure to hyperthermia .

  3. 环境致畸因素可引起先天性心脏病,其中以宫内病毒感染最重要。目前,妇产科医师很重视孕妇TORCH病原的感染,TORCH即弓形虫、风疹病毒、巨细胞病毒和单纯疱疹病毒。

    Virus infection of foetus is the most important one for CHD in the environment deformity factors , so obstetrics and gynecology doctors pay it attention mostly that pregnant woman has being infected by TORCH ( toxoplasma , rubella virus , human cytomegalo-virus , herpes simplex virus ) .

  4. 存在可能致畸因素者109例占29.53%。

    Possible deforming factors existed with defected newborns , accounting for 29.53 % .

  5. 205例围产儿先天性畸形尸检分析及有关致畸因素探讨

    205 cases autopsy analyses on congenitial fetus malformation

  6. 广西2000年出生缺陷环境致畸因素危险度评价

    Risk Assessment of Environmental Factors for Birth Defects in the Year 2000 in Guangxi Province

  7. 先天畸形致畸因素的交互作用分析

    Interaction between teratogenic factors

  8. 缺陷儿中有各种合并症者68例,占70.10%,存在可能致畸因素者32例,占32.99%。

    Complication was found in 68 cases , accounting for 70.10 % , and possible deforming factors existed with 32 defected newborns , accounting for 32.99 % .

  9. 在调查中,17.98%的育龄妇山西医科大学在职研究生硕士学位论文2002女在孕期接触农药、化肥可疑致畸因素;

    During the investigation , 17.89 percent of women at child-bearing age have contact with pesticide and fertilizer , which we doubt to be the factors of deformity .

  10. 结果:干预后,育龄妇女对导致出生缺陷的危险因素单项知晓率较基线提高了14.3%-43.5%,知道3种以上的致畸因素的百分比提高了44.8%;

    A comparison with the baseline investigation was made . Results : After the health promotion , the awareness of risk factors about birth defects increased from 14 . 3 % to 43 . 5 % .

  11. 对致畸因素的1:1配对调查表明,母亲孕早期发烧、服用西药、严重呕吐均与神经管畸形的发生有一定关系。

    By means of the case-control study , it was found that the NTD had a close relationship with the following factors occurring in the first trimester of the mothers pregnancy : feverish disease , the use of drugs and severe vomiting .

  12. 福州市先天畸形儿致畸危险因素的调查

    The Study of The Risk Factor of Congenital Malformation in Fuzhou

  13. 广西围产儿出生缺陷环境致畸危险因素的危险度评价与干预模式研究

    A Risk Assessment and Intervention Study on Environmental Risk Factors for the Birth Defects of the Perinatals in Guangxi Province