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  • vacuome
  1. 小脉筛管分子的分化是通过P-蛋白体(P-proteinbody)的形成和液泡系的溶酶体作用,并伴之以高尔基体的分泌作用。

    The sieve tube members in the minor leaf vein are differentiated through the formation of the P-protein body , the function of the lysosome in the vacuome and the secretion of the dictyosome .

  2. 液泡系的行为,可能可以作为小孢子败育的最早的形态上的标志。

    Therefore the behavior of vacuome may be the earliest morphological index for microspore abortion .

  3. 在所有这些和类似的功能解释中,液泡系起着一种被动的作用。

    In all of these and similar functional interpretations , the vacuome plays a passive role .

  4. 液泡在不育系与保持系小孢子母细胞中存在明显差异。

    There were distinct difference on vacuole of CMS and maintainer line .

  5. 1&2天后,进入发育阶段Ⅱ,这时中央大液泡形成,液泡系转变为分化细胞型。

    1 & 2 days later , as soon as the central vacuole started to form , the whole vacuome started to transform into differentiated type .