
jí bù
  • Collection Department; literary works other than classics, history, and philosophy
集部 [jí bù]
  • [a category of literary works;Chinese literary works not included in the Classics,History and Philosophy] 我国古代图书分类经史子集的第四大类,专列各种体裁的文学著作

  1. 最后,集部文献展示了后汉辉煌的文学面貌。

    Finally , part of literature shows Han brilliant literary outlook .

  2. 从目前残存的三十卷来看,该书的取材遍及经、史、集三部文献,尤其以史部和集部为多。

    From a point of the survival thirty volumes , the book based on a wide range , including the documents of classics , history , collection , especially history and collection .

  3. 这种反映古典文学学术理念的发展不仅在古籍目录集部的类目中体现出来,而且在其大、小序以及提要中逐步得到细密与深化。

    This kind of development , which reflects the development of ancient literary idea , is embodied in the category of collected literary works , and its precision and intensification are gradually realized in the progress of great and minor prefaces as well as abstracts .