
  • 网络Collective agriculture;collective farming
  1. 一个涉足农业的当地公司也对布加耶夫的改进版集体农业计划感兴趣,并敦促布加耶夫把精力放在在圣彼得堡寻找有志申请土地的人上面。

    A local company involved in agriculture also liked Mr. Bugaev 's plans for an updated version of collective farming and urged him to focus on trying to find people in St. Petersburg ready to apply for plots of land .

  2. 目前自然还不能提出国家农业和集体农业的问题,但是为着促进农业的发展,在各地组织小范围的农事试验场,并设立农业研究学校和农产品展览所,却是迫切地需要的。

    Of course , we cannot as yet bring up the question of state or collective farming , but it is urgently necessary to set up small experimental farms , agricultural research schools and exhibitions of farm produce in various places to stimulate the development of agriculture .

  3. 第一次替代尝试侧重于单纯保护农业生态环境,提高农产品质量;与此同时,以大规模的集体农业来替代农民生产。

    During the first alternative attempt it is emphasized to only protect the agr | ecological environment and to improve the quality of agricultural product .

  4. 有人告诉我们说在古巴,大规模的集体农业,以那荒废的饲育场为代表,效果并不好。

    Some people told us that large scale , collective agriculture in Cuba , as represented by the defunct feedlot , simply doesn 't work well .

  5. 本文以中国农业现行的生产经营责任制为对象,通过对各种集体农业理论的比较研究,阐明了集体农业制度下劳动监督的可能性和劳动积极性的重要。

    Focusing their attention on the production-management responsibility system in China 's rural economy , the co-authors of this article make comparisons among different theories on collective farming before reviewing the possibility of exercising labor control in collective farming and the importance of encouraging the farmer 's initiative .

  6. 第三节介绍了成都市农村集体土地在农业用途内部流转的创新模式。

    Section three Chengdu rural collective land for agricultural purposes within the flow of innovation model .

  7. 一是产业集群集体亮相,农业大省组团参加大会。

    Firstly : Seed industry cluster will be appeared collectively , major agricultural provinces will organize delegations to attend the fair .

  8. 经批准取得集体所有的非农业建设用地使用权;

    The collectively-owned , non-agricultural-construction-use land use right is acquired through approval ;

  9. 农户、农村集体经济组织、农业保险组织可以成为农业保险优惠贷款的借款人。

    Farmers , rural collective economic organizations , agricultural insurance organizations , agricultural insurance can be the borrower .

  10. 发展部分集体所有制的农业合作社和手工业生产合作社。每年农业和副业总产值平均增长4.3%。

    The average total value of Out-put in agriculture and sideline per year will be increased by4.3 % .

  11. 农村集体土地制度是农业经济制度的基础,土地产权制度则是土地制度的核心。

    Collective farmland system is the foundation of agricultural economic system , with land property right system being the core of the land system .

  12. 这是一座集旅游、植、殖为一体的立体农业庄园。(2)由个体逐步地向着集体方向发展的农业经济;

    This is a three-dimensional agriculture farm with the integration of tourism , planting and poultry industry . ( 2 ) the agricultural economy , developing step by step from individual to collective ;

  13. 从这个意义上说,集体化时代虽然农业生产上取得一定的成就,但埋下了生态环境的隐患,得不偿失,值得认真总结和反思。

    In this sense , even though the collectivization of agricultural production achieved some success , it also planted seeds of the environment problems . Therefore it was worthy of serious review and reflection .

  14. 对土地集体所有制与农业长期投资、农业和农村经济可持续发展之间关系的深入分析认为,农村经济可持续发展的前提就是要加大长期投资力度。

    We draw an conclusion that premise of rural economic sustainable development is increasing long-term investment on agriculture , by analyzing relationship among rural land collective ownership , agricultural long-term investment , and agriculture and country economic sustainable development .

  15. 通过财政部门、信贷部门、农村集体经济组织和农业生产者等渠道大幅度增加农业投入是不现实的,而证券市场潜力巨大。

    This paper argues that it is unpractical to greatly input resources into county agriculture jointly from the financial departments , credit departments , rural collective economy organizations and agricultural producers , while the securities market has a tremendous potentiality in this aspect .

  16. 早期,马克思强调西欧,特别是英国的经验,将农奴制下的农村公社自耕小农土地所有制资本主义雇佣型大农业社会主义集体合作制大农业的发展序列作为人类社会农业发展的唯一道路。

    In the early days , he attached more importance to the Western-European experience , particularly the British experience , and identified the order-the rural community affected by the serf system-small land owned by peasants-the great capitalist agriculture-the great socialist agriculture managed by the collective cooperation .

  17. 在当前我国国家财政投资农业的力度减弱、金融机构农业信贷资金投放减少、集体与农户投资农业积极性不高的现实情况下,农业投资呈现为严重不足的局面,制约了农业现代化的进程。

    Under the circumstances of that the strength of state agriculture investment become weakened , and there are less agriculture credit funds from financial institutions , meanwhile little investment enthusiasm from the collective and peasants , the shortage of agriculture investment is a negative factor of agriculture modernization .

  18. 近年来国家不断推出一系列的惠农政策,以及农村农业税的全面取消和农业补贴的实现,各方农业集体经济组织和农业企业对农地需求的不断增加,土地价值得以不断提升。

    In recent years the state has introduced a series of preferential agricultural policies and rural agricultural tax abolition of agricultural subsidies and the realization of all agricultural collective economic organizations and agricultural enterprises on the increasing demand for agricultural land , to the increasing appreciation of land value .

  19. 对于中国农业集体化经济绩效的解释,既有文献的主要结论是集体农业内部平均主义的分配方式导致对有效劳动投入的激励不足。

    As for the explanation on economic performance of the Agricultural Co-operation in China , the dominating conclusion of existing works is that equalitarianism within collective agriculture damaged the peasants and exerted negative impact on their incentive .

  20. 集体劳动争议数量增长迅速;生产经营责任制与劳动积极性&集体农业理论与中国农业制度改革

    The rapid increasing of collective labor-related disputes ; Responsibility System and Farmer 's Initiative