
xù mù chǎnɡ
  • animal or livestock farm
畜牧场 [xù mù chǎng]
  • [animal farm;livestock farm] 饲养大批牲畜或家禽的场所

  1. 新型高效AOS生物反应器处理畜牧场废水

    Treatment of livestock farm waste water with efficient AOS bioreactor

  2. 畜牧场舍区空气、缓冲区空气和场区空气分别属于清洁水平、中度污染水平和轻度污染水平,最大污染因子分别为可吸入污染物、TSP、TSP。

    The level of air pollution in livestock shed , buffer , and field was clean , moderate pollution , and mild pollution respectively . Moreover , the main pollution factor was inhalable particles , TSP , and TSP respectively .

  3. EKATERINAZIMINA:“因为要在俄罗斯寻找足够好的人来饲养肉用牛非常非常困难,因为俄罗斯是全世界闻名的奶制品大国。我们有许多奶牛,许多奶牛畜牧场。但是管理奶牛和肉用牛是完全不同的。”

    EKATERINA ZIMINA : " Because it is really , really hard to find good enough people in Russia that can work with beef cattle , because Russia is world-known as dairy country . We have lots of dairy herds , dairy cows . But managing dairy and beef cows is a different thing . "

  4. 深圳市光明华侨畜牧场生态农业探讨

    Ecological Agriculture in Guangming Overseas Chinese Livestock Farm of Shenzhen City

  5. 在畜牧场,氨是由生物降解形成的。

    In stock yards ammonia is formed by biological degradation .

  6. 通过关闭受感染的畜牧场,我们希望限制疾病扩散。

    By closing the infected farms we 're hoping to confine the disease .

  7. 在运行期具有设计功能的畜牧场管理信息系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of MIS of Livestock Farm Based on Runtime with Design Function

  8. 他们将外星人分成两伙,就像在畜牧场上一样。

    They divide them into two groups . It 's like a cattle ranch .

  9. 城市郊区畜牧场的污染与被污染

    The Pollution and to Be Polluted of the Livestock Farms in the Suburbs of City

  10. 河源畜牧场〔牛潭尾〕斗牛起源于西班牙。

    Ho Yuen Livestock Farm [ Ngau Tam Mei ] The bullfight originated in Spain .

  11. 本文报道了用分离厌氧发酵新工艺处理大型畜牧场粪便及其低浓度粪水的试验结果。

    This paper presents the development of a new anaerobic digestion technology for rabbit manure treatment .

  12. 他喜爱蒙大拿香草乡爸爸的畜牧场里的生活。

    He enjoyed the life on his father 's cattle ranch in the Sweet Grass country in Montana .

  13. 我有一个经验,我在畜牧场工作的那几年。

    One of the observations I had when I work on the cattle ranch for a couple of years .

  14. 河源畜牧场〔牛潭尾〕为了卖而进行放牧牛或羊的牧场主。

    Ho Yuen Livestock Farm [ Ngau Tam Mei ] a rancher who grazes cattle or sheep for market .

  15. 畜牧场2×35米~3分离浮罩式沼气池的设计与施工

    The design and construction of 2 × 35m ~ 3 biogas plant with separate gas holder adapted for stock farm

  16. 试验期间,饲料由吉林省农业学校畜牧场饲料加工车间自行配制。

    All the feed were made up by the processing-workshop of feedstuff in the animal farm in the Jilin agriculture academy .

  17. 尤其是,我在畜牧场的时候的一些体会,那时在中部的不知名的小牧场。

    And in particular , one of the feelings being on the cattle ranch , small cattle ranch in the middle of nowhere .

  18. “他在离这里很远的畜牧场上班,”敏妮解释说,“所以他5点半就要起床。”

    He works way down at the stock-yards , explained minnie ," so he 's got to get up at half-past five . "

  19. 本文论述了利用中温厌氧技术处理畜牧场的污水。

    Treatment technology of waste water in animal farm by using the technology of middle temperature and detestable oxygen was studied in this paper .

  20. 雄业牌智能温度控制箱用途十分广泛,可以用于畜牧场,网吧,纺织厂等的智能控制。

    Our control boxes are used widely , can be used for livestock farms , Internet cafes , textile mills , such as intelligent control .

  21. 他是个沉默寡言的人,美国出生,父亲是瑞典人,他本人是畜牧场冷藏车的清洁工。

    He was a silent man , American born , of a Swede father , and now employed as a cleaner of refrigerator cars at the stock-yards .

  22. 畜牧场臭气不但对人类的健康造成极大的威胁,而且也严重的影响着家畜(禽)的健康和生产性能的发挥。

    Pollution of stench has arrest attention of people , because it not only menaces the healthy of animal and people , but decreases production performance of animal .

  23. 赫斯特与丈夫如今还经营着自家的畜牧场,今年这个时装季,他们将首次采用自产的羊毛设计时装。

    Hearst and her husband also manage the family 's livestock estate , and will this season use their own wool in her collections for the first time .

  24. 他们拥有自己的学校、游乐场、木工工场和畜牧场,还有一个很大的菜园,足以让这一大家人自给自足。

    The compound has its own school , a playground , carpentry workshops , piggery and poultry farms and a vegetable garden big enough to supply the whole family .

  25. 工程将支持发展水果、蔬菜、茶叶、竹笋和其它农副产品的加工厂,发展中型畜牧场。

    The Project will also support development of processing facilities for fruits , vegetables , tea , bamboo shoots , and other farm produce and will help extend medium-sized livestock farms .

  26. 这些动物的皮毛来自山东省和河北省的畜牧场,制成的产品销往全国各地,并出口到俄罗斯,日本和美国。

    The furs come from animal farms in Shandong and Hebei provinces , and the products are sold all over the country and exported to Russia , Japan and the US .

  27. 畜禽粪尿、畜牧场的污水和臭气以及由排泄物残留而来的矿物元素和其它废弃物给生态环境带来直接污染;

    The direct pollution on eco-environment are from feces and urine from animals and poultry , sewage water and odor from farms as well as residual mineral elements from animal excretion and other wastes .

  28. 畜牧场污水的首要污染物为大肠杆菌,等标污染负荷比为0.57,畜牧场污水为生物性污染,猪场为主要污染源。

    The chief pollutant of stock farm waste water was E. coli . The ratio of pollutant loading in equivalent standard was 0.57 . The pollution type of waste water in stock farm was biological .

  29. 另人无法接受的是:即使在饥饿与营养失调的恐怖环境里,每年屠杀了将近六百万儿童,却仍然有巨大比例的有效农作物拿去喂养畜牧场里的动物。

    It is not acceptable that even in a grim situation with hunger and malnutrition killing nearly six million children each year , huge percentages of available crops are still being fed to farm animals .

  30. 我国规模化猪场的兴起与粪污处理的相对滞后,使养殖业对环境的污染日益严重,畜牧场的污染问题已越来越受到人们的关注和重视。

    The rising of scale swine farm and lag of excrement and sewage disposal make the pollution of environment more and more seriously ; Therefore , how to settle the problem has being a hot gambit .