
  • output of livestock product
  1. 河北省是畜牧大省,无论是畜产品产量还是存栏量都位于全国前列。

    Hebei province is a big province of animal husbandry , whether output of livestock product or Amount of livestock on hand quantity ranks forefront in the country .

  2. 在A组放牧强度的载畜量水平,草地植物利用率高,植物产量和畜产品产量低;

    Under the A group grazing intensity , the stocking rate and pas-ture utilization was higher , but the yield of pasture and animal productivities were lower .

  3. 到2000年,中国的畜产品产量已达9200万t,这一产量位居世界第一。

    In the year of 2000 , the Chinese livestock industry , with nearly 9.20 million tons of output , is ranked the first in the world .

  4. 作者对内蒙古、甘肃、青海省区内草原牧区的30户家庭牧场的畜种结构,人均占有家畜数量的变化,以及畜群规模与畜产品产量和人均牧业产值的关系进行了研究。

    The constitution of herds , the change of livestocks possessed per capita , the relationship of herd scale with animal production and the average value of livestock output per capita were studied on 30 household stock farms in rangeland region , the North China .

  5. 陕西关中地区土壤属于潜在性缺Zn土壤,该土壤中Zn供给不足、土壤的供Zn能力低下,农作物和畜产品的产量和品质都受到较大的影响。

    Soil in central Shaanxi area is potentially Zn-deficiency , yield and quality of field crop and animal products are affected because of under supplying of soil zinc and low zinc supply capacity of soil .

  6. 四是依托科技投入和财政金融支持政策,提高畜产品单位产量和质量,重视畜牧业相关行业的发展。

    Finally , we should raise the production and quality and pay much attention to the development of related industries by increasing the scientific and technical input and strong financial support form financial policies .