
chù qún
  • drove;herd
畜群 [chù qún]
  • [herd] 在人的照看和控制下饲养在一起的同类牲畜群

畜群[chù qún]
  1. 调整畜群结构,控制牲畜数量;

    Adjust drove structure and control livestock amount ;

  2. 建立了畜群结构满足的方程组,通过解方程组得到畜群结构与畜群出栏率,进一步分析得出畜群出栏率与出栏畜龄P和母畜产羔率r有关。

    A group of equations was established in accordance with herd structure dynamics . These equations were used to obtain the herd structure and offtake rate . Further analysis showed that herd offtake rate is related with livestock offtake age and female reproduction rate .

  3. 在进入种畜群后自由采食生长肥育猪日粮至初情期,但是要在活重或P2背膘厚达标后再配种。

    Feeding a grower / finisher diet ad libitum from arrival in the breeding herd to puberty but delay mating until live weight and P2 targets are reached .

  4. 生物技术的应用,特别是超数排卵和胚胎移植(MOET)技术的应用,大大提高了畜群的整体遗传水平和育种效益。

    Biological technology , in particular , the MOET can accelerate genetic development of the whole herds and improve the utilization of breeding .

  5. 牧民们势必要跟着畜群迁移。

    Herdsmen must , of necessity , move with the herds .

  6. 畜群发展的系统动态仿真

    Imitating true of systemic state in the livestock population development

  7. 畜群结构与近代蒙古族游牧经济

    Herd structure and pastoral economy of Mongolia in modern time

  8. 以市场为导向的主动畜群时空周转;

    And to develop market - oriented active livestock ;

  9. 畜群规模的结构决策研究

    The study on the structure-decision of the herd size

  10. 畜群放牧方式对家畜采食量影响的模型研究

    A Model Explaining the Effect of Herding Pattern on Foraging Intake of Livestock

  11. 畜牧生产规模庞大,而且畜群在整个伊拉克和邻近国家迁移。

    Livestock production is extensive and herds migrate throughout Iraq and neighbouring countries .

  12. 优化畜群结构,以羊、牛、兔为主;

    Optimizing livestock structure with priority given to sheep , cattle and rabbit raising ;

  13. 如果检验结果呈阴性,可以解除对所怀疑畜群的扣留。

    If the stop is negative , then the suspect herd can be released .

  14. 畜群结构管理研究进展

    A Review of Livestock Population Structure Management Research

  15. 畜群结构对山区农民饲养绵羊经济效益的影响

    The Effects of Livestock Structure on Economical Benefits for the Sheep-raising Farmers in the Hills

  16. 猪流感是引起猪的高度接触性病毒病,对感染畜群造成巨大的经济损失,并具有重要的公共卫生意义。

    Swine influenza is a highly infectious viral disease of pigs causing considerable economic impact .

  17. 他尝试了几个自己,并尽快过他的畜群。

    He tried a few themselves , and was soon as overactive as his herd .

  18. 对畜群结构进行适当调整、发展草食性动物。

    Thirdly . to adjust livestock and herd structure appropriately and to develop herbivorous animals .

  19. 畜群发展系统仿真模型的建立&黑龙江省奶牛业发展方案的研究

    A systematically simulated model of developing animal husbandry for planning the dairy husbandry in Heilongjiang Province

  20. 抓好设备管理工作深挖企业内部潜力挖掘生产内部潜力,调整畜群结构;

    Adjust the structure of herd and flock to take advantage of internal potential of production ;

  21. 紫茎泽兰侵占草地、危害畜群、造成农作物的减产。

    Eupatorium occupy grassland , harm livestock and result in reduce of the crops ' production .

  22. 据估计,东非地区食用的的肉类90%来自牧区畜群。

    An estimated ninety percent of the meat eaten in East Africa comes from pastoralist herds .

  23. 随着畜群和其它新的财富的出现,在家庭中便发生了革命。

    With the herds and the other new riches , a revolution came over the family .

  24. 调整畜群结构,发展舍饲生产;

    Adjust the structure of droves ;

  25. 良种化;改进畜群结构;

    Improving breed and herd structure ;

  26. 畜群结构与效益的研究

    Herd structure and economic benefit

  27. 高寒草地生态经济系统价值流、畜群结构、最优控制管理及可持续发展

    Value flow , livestock structure , optimal-control management and sustainable development of ecological economic system in alpine meadow

  28. 人口的数目,随着畜群的增加、农业的扩展以及手工业的萌芽而日益增长;

    The population increased with the increase of the herds , the extension of agriculture and the beginnings of handicraft .

  29. 马用来保护畜群,在无路地带驮人,还可以帮农民种地。

    Horses are used in guarding herds , carrying men in lands where there are no roads , and helping farmers work their land .

  30. 该局表示,联邦土地上大约有86000匹行动自由的野马和驴,超出了环境所能承受的畜群数量的三倍。

    The bureau says the estimated 86000 free-roaming horses and burros on federal lands is three times larger than what the environment can support .