
xù chǎn pǐn; chù chǎn pǐn
  • livestock products;animal by-products
畜产品[xù chǎn pǐn; chù chǎn pǐn]
  1. 可随之而来的就是畜产品的质量安全问题。

    But the quality and safety of the animal by-products will follow .

  2. 然而由畜产品质量问题引发的中毒、污染事件也日益增多,直接影响到消费者及环境的安全,引起了全社会的广泛关注。

    However , an increasing number of safety problems like poisoning and polluting have been triggered because of the quality problem of animal by-products , which directly influences consumers ' health and environmental security . Eventually , it has aroused widespread concern in the whole society .

  3. 利用CO2吞吐强化采油对此类油藏可能是一种有效的方法。(2)建立畜产品质量追踪机制。

    CO 2 injection may be an effective method to such reservoirs .

  4. 畜产品追溯系统中关键RFID技术的研究与实现

    Critical RFID technique research and realization in animal products trace back system

  5. HACCP与绿色畜产品生产

    Brief introduction of HACCP and its relation to the production of safe animal products

  6. 本文认为,加入WTO以后,国际市场价格开始对我国畜产品市场发生作用,我国畜牧企业经营规模小、经营效率低等具体问题开始显现;

    After entering into WTO , affected by the price in the international market , such problems as small scale and low efficiency have appeared in some enterprises producing or selling livestock products .

  7. 陕西关中地区土壤属于潜在性缺Zn土壤,该土壤中Zn供给不足、土壤的供Zn能力低下,农作物和畜产品的产量和品质都受到较大的影响。

    Soil in central Shaanxi area is potentially Zn-deficiency , yield and quality of field crop and animal products are affected because of under supplying of soil zinc and low zinc supply capacity of soil .

  8. 周二的《ThePress》报援引这位研究人员的话说,这些素食者不仅不肯吃肉类及畜产品,而且拒绝与食肉者进行性接触,因为他们认为食肉者的身体是由死去的动物组成的。

    These vegans not only refuse to eat meat or animal productsbut refuse to have sexual contact with meat-eaters because their bodies are made up of dead animals , the researcher was reported saying in The Press newspaper on Tuesday .

  9. 随着我国国民经济不断地发展,畜产品加工业在国民经济中占据了重要地位,特别在我国加入WTO后,面临着各种发展机遇与挑战。

    Following with the constant development of the national economy , the animal product processing industry plays on important role in the national economy . Especially after entering into the WTO , the industry has faced with various chances and challenge .

  10. 严格的素食主义者不吃肉,绝对素食者禁食所有畜产品,这些人也有B12缺乏的危险。

    Strict vegetarians , who avoid meat , and vegans , who avoid all animal products , are also at risk of B12 deficiency .

  11. 应用基于SVM的预警模型,对24个样本进行了实证研究,研究结论与实际相一致。(4)提出了畜产品质量安全的政策建议。

    The author adopts the early-warning SVM model to demonstrate twenty-four samples , and the result of the demonstration is consistent with practice . ( 4 ) The author puts forward to the policy suggestions of animal products quality safety .

  12. 一方面,采用层次分析法(AHP)对我国畜产品质量安全水平进行评价,后又采用DelphiMethod进行了评价检验;以此为基础,构建了基于AHP的畜产品质量安全预警模型。

    On the one hand , the author adopts the Analysis Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) to evaluate the level of China animal products quality safety from 1996 to 2006 , then adopts Delphi Method to test , and constructs AHP model of animal products quality safety early-warning .

  13. 我国畜产品贸易动物福利壁垒的博弈分析

    Game Analysis on Animal Welfare Barrier in Chinese Livestock Product Trade

  14. 中国畜产品质量安全供给研究

    Study on the Quality Safety Supply of Livestock Products in China

  15. 现在人们消费畜产品的数量超过以往任何一个时期。

    Now people consume more food from animal farm than before .

  16. 试论饲料及畜产品安全监察体系建设

    Discussion on Construction of Product Safety Supervision Systemof Feed and Livestock

  17. 畜产品溯源系统中异构数据整合问题研究

    Research on Heterogeneous Data Integration in the Livestock Products Traceability System

  18. 区域畜产品需求预测及畜种结构调整

    Demand Forecast for Regional Livestock Products and Adjustment of Livestock Structure

  19. 各地区畜产品市场之间存在着何种关系?

    How is the connection among the local livestock products markets ?

  20. 抓产业化经营,提高畜产品生产组织化水平;

    Strengthening industrialization operation will improve systematic level of animal production .

  21. 义乌农贸城畜产品市场规划

    Market Planning for Livestock Products of Yiwu Farm Product Trading Center

  22. 畜产品安全与绿色畜牧业发展

    Animal Products Safety and the Development of Unpolluted Animal Husbandry

  23. 探索我国畜产品行业协会发展的对策研究

    A Study on Strategies for Develpment of Craft Union of Stockbreeding Products

  24. 实施名牌战略,推进畜产品市场国际化;

    Implementing famous trademark strategy will promote internationalization of animal product market .

  25. 肉类嫩化酶及其在畜产品加工中的应用进展

    Tenderizing Enzyme of Meat and Its Application in Process of Animal Product

  26. 运城市动物保健和畜产品安全的对策

    Yuncheng City Animal Healthy and Countermeasures of Livestock Products Safety

  27. 畜产品行业协会发展现状及功效评价

    Effect Evaluating and Development of Craft Union of Stockbreeding Products

  28. 禽流感后对畜产品交易方式的思考&来自上海市畜禽产品流通交易方式的调查

    Consideration on exchange way of animal products after avian influenza 's break

  29. 反式脂肪酸在畜产品中的危害及检测方法

    The harm of tras-fatty acid in animal products and its detection method

  30. 黑龙江省畜产品竞争力研究

    The Study on the Competitiveness of the Livestock Products in Heilongjiang Province