
  • 网络TPE;Chinese Taipei;taipei;China Taibei
  1. 用中国台北奥林匹克委员会,缩写为:TPE。

    B : The Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee or TPE in abbreviation .

  2. 中国台北的王惠珍。

    It was Wang Huizhen from Chinese Taipei .

  3. 有些同学知道我是来自中国台北非常感兴趣。

    Some were interested to know that I am from Taipei .

  4. 中国台北大气气溶胶中可溶性阴离子观测个例研究

    Case Study of Water-Soluble Anionic Component of Aerosol in Taipei , China

  5. 中国台北奥林匹克委员会的旗和徽是什么?

    A : What is the flag and emblem of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee ?

  6. 参赛球员中还有同样来自中国台北的张泽鹏,他是网球明星张德培的表兄。

    Also in the field is Chang Tse-peng , cousin of former tennis star Michel Chang .

  7. 中国台北奥委会的歌已经国际奥委会执委会批准。

    The song of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee is approved by the IOC Executive Board .

  8. 中国台北选手预计在14日出发,24日返回台湾。

    China-taipei contestants are scheduled to depart on the14th and will come back to Taiwan on24th .

  9. 3号种子大阪直美在四分之一决赛中的对手是来自中国台北的谢淑薇。

    The No.3 seed 's next opponent in the quarterfinals will be Hsieh Su-Wei from Chinese Taipei .

  10. 中国台北、美国洛杉矶和中国首都北京在过去的一年都跌出的前十排名。

    Taipei , Los Angeles and Beijing all fell out of the top 10 this past year .

  11. 菲律宾、中国台北、日本、马来西亚、泰国、香港参加了为期8天的比赛。

    The Philippines , Chinese Taipei , Japan , Malaysia , Thailand and Hong Kong competed for eight days .

  12. 中国台北奥委会的旗和徽样本已在决议中明确标明。

    The picture of the flag and emblem of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee is strictly shown in the resolution .

  13. 第一轮轻松过关,第二轮击败了中国台北组合蔡佳欣和程文欣。

    They had a bye in the first round and defeated Tsai Chia-Hsin and Cheng Wen-Hsing of Chinese Taipei in the second .

  14. 2016年,福原爱与中国台北的一位乒乓球运动员结婚,并在去年生下一名女儿,此后就再也没有参加过比赛。

    Fukuhara married a table tennis player from Chinese Taipei in 2016 , gave birth to a baby girl last year and has not competed since .

  15. 新西兰、巴布亚新几内亚、秘鲁、菲律宾、俄国、新加坡、泰国、中国台北、美国和越南。

    New Zealand , Papua New Guinea , Peru , the Philippines , Russia , Singapore , Thailand , Chinese Taipei , the United States and Vietnam .

  16. 中国和中国台北队分割了自行车赛的两块金牌。

    China and Chinese Taipei split two gold medals in cycling .

  17. 中国阻止了台北加入国际组织的再三尝试。

    China has blocked repeated attempts by Taipei to join international organisations .

  18. 石广生:中国和中国台北单独关税区先后加入世贸组织以后,为两岸经贸关系的发展提供了契机。

    A : The accession to the WTO of China and China 's Taipei Separate Customs Territory has provided both sides across the Straits with development opportunities .

  19. 中国对对中国台北对。

    Eg : China meets Chinese Taipei .

  20. 调查表示,(亚洲排名中)横滨排名第三,接着是神户、中国香港、中国台北、北京、上海和新加坡,广州排名第10位。

    Yokohama placed third , followed by Kobe , Hong Kong , Taipei , Beijing , Shanghai and Singapore , with the Chinese city of Guangzhou taking the10th spot , the survey said .

  21. 这对于文莱篮球队来说,战胜来自中国、菲律宾、中国台北和韩国的最强队伍,取得比赛的胜利,这是一个艰巨的任务。

    It will be an overwhelming task for the Brunei cagers to get a win out from the matches against the best from China , Philippines , Chinese Taipei and Korea .

  22. 高抗材料包括中国10份,中国台北、日本各2份,美国、荷兰、菲律宾各1份。

    High-resistant materials come from ten of China cucumber materials , in addition , including each two from China Taiwan and Japan , each one contribute by America , Holland and Philippine .

  23. 中国香港选手罗秀锋和中国台北选手汪明辉也均进入复赛。

    Luo Xiufeng from Hongkong , China and Wang Minghui from Chinese Taibei were both qualified , too .

  24. 中国奥运冠军邓亚萍尽管背部受伤,仍然击败中国台北选手董费敏,打人女子四分一决赛。

    China 's Olympic Champion Deng Yaping went into the women 's quarter-finals with victory over Taiwan 's Tong Feiming .

  25. “中国实时报”(ChinaRealTime)栏目将陆续介绍来自中国大陆、中华台北和中国香港的运动员。

    Check back as CRT profiles athletes from China , Chinese Taipei and Hong Kong .