
  • 网络Chinese Culture University;Chinese Culture University, Taipei
  1. 中华民国中国文化大学英文系教师胡迪,参与该会发表论文,并为上述组织中影片教学组之成员。

    Chinese culture university instructor Timothy fox attended the conference s a presenter , and as a member of the organization 's video interest section .

  2. 中国文化大学中文系文艺组毕业,中国文化大学哲学博士。

    He graduated from the Art Group of the Chinese Language Department of Chinese Culture University and then earned the degree as a Philosophy of doctor .

  3. 他在中国文化大学教书。

    He teaches in the University of Chinese culture .

  4. 中国文化大学离这里远吗?

    Is the Chinese Culture far from here ?

  5. 中国文化在大学英语教学中的缺失及对策研究

    A Study on the Absence of Chinese Culture in College English Teaching and Its Countermeasures

  6. 论中国传统文化在大学文化中的传承和创新

    On the Communication 、 Inheritance and Innovation of Chinese Traditional Culture in Culture of the University

  7. 其中,试验组的68个受试者接受了为期16周包含中国文化导入的大学英语课程。

    The 68 subjects in the test group went through a treatment of sixteen-week college English course with Chinese culture instructed .

  8. 紧接着,我们进行了关于中国传统文化在大学英语教材中涉及情况的统计,从而分析大学生的文化英语输入情况。

    With that , we then make a statistical study of the coverage rate of Chinese culture in college English course book , so as to get the knowledge of the " input " situation .

  9. 在中国的文化里,大学好像是很轻松的地方。

    College , in Chinese culture , is supposedly a breeze .

  10. 怎样在中国文化背景下促进大学英语专业学生的学习自主性?

    How to promote university English majors ' learner autonomy in the Chinese context ?

  11. 本文旨在探索一条提高大学生文化素质,弘扬中国传统文化精神的大学语文教学新途径。

    The article is aimed at searching a new way of college Chinese teaching which can improve the culture quality of college students and promote the spirit of Chinese traditional culture .

  12. 结果表明,大多数受测者不能很好地用英语表述中国特色文化;中国文化在大学英语教学中受到了明显的忽视。

    The results show that the majority are unable to discuss Chinese culture in proper English , and that Chinese culture has been much neglected in college English teaching .