
  • 网络Huntington Beach
  1. 每个月总有几次,你可以在加利福尼亚州亨廷顿海滩的拉尔夫市场的过道里找到一位医生,身穿白大褂,帮助人们了解食物。

    Several times a month , you can find a doctor in the aisles of Ralph 's market in Huntington Beach , California , wearing a white coat and helping people learn about food .

  2. 在亨廷顿海滩,冲浪者们追逐浪花已经将近一个世纪,

    At Huntington Beach , they have been surfing for almost a century ,

  3. 亨廷顿海滩国际冲浪博物馆承载着这项运动的历史,

    The International Surfing Museum in Huntington Beach preserves the history of the sport ,

  4. 亨廷顿海滩码头的纪念品店,或只是散步,真棒太平洋意见。

    Shop for souvenirs on the Huntington Beach Pier or just take a stroll down and back for awesome Pacific Ocean views .

  5. 海洋污染图片。警示涂片黑色污泥,残余漏油,染色加州的亨廷顿海滩。

    Photo Gallery : Polluted Oceans Telltale smears of black sludge , the remnants of an oil spill , stain California 's Huntington Beach .

  6. 上个月在亨廷顿海滩举行的美国冲浪公开赛汇集了日本和巴西远道而来的顶尖冲浪者们。

    The U.S. Open of Surfing , held last month in Huntington Beach , brought together top surfers from as far away as Japan and Brazil .

  7. 弗朗奇斯卡葡萄牙冲浪桑托斯在妇女的预赛在美国公开赛冲浪周一,2010年8月2日,在亨廷顿海滩,加利福尼亚州。

    Francisca Santos of Portugal surfs during the women 's heats at the US Open of Surfing on Monday , Aug.2,2010 , in Huntington Beach , California .

  8. 以亨廷顿海滩为例,这个市属日工就业中心要检查证件,但是,由于假证件的流行,另外,如果雇主错误地询问关于合法身份的问题,他们就会面临歧视控告,非法移民反而很容易混进来。

    In Huntington Beach for example , documents are checked at this city-owned day laborer job center . But because of the illegal immigrants can easily slip in .

  9. 从码头年底大街结束,只有这样才能真正探索亨廷顿海滩的每一个角落是步行。

    From the end of the pier to the end of Main Street , the only way to truly explore every nook and cranny of Huntington Beach is on foot .