
  • 网络Touran;Turan
  1. 现在来看看途安的其它特点,新款途安进行了大量改进。

    Moving to the rest of the Touran , there are plenty of other significant changes to consider .

  2. 途安的座椅编排有多种变化,中间排座椅空间宽敞,可轻易地进行倾斜、折叠与拆卸。

    The Touran has a versatile seating layout with a spacious middle row of seats that slides , folds and can be removed easily .

  3. 在外观方面,途安采用了大众“家族”的新前脸隔栏、改进后的照明系统和前后保险杠。

    Appearance-wise , there is a new VW " family " front grille , revised lighting and front and rear bumpers .