
  • 网络BORA;Burroughs
  1. 宝来A4轿车座椅项目可行性研究

    The Feasibility Study for Bora A4 Seat Project

  2. 宝来A4车门密封条试制中难点问题分析

    Development of Door Weather Strip for Bora A4

  3. 他们给我们传经送宝来了。

    They have come to us to pass on their valuable experience .

  4. 一汽·宝来(Bora)轿车电子差速锁(EDS)的控制原理及故障自诊断

    Control mechanism of EDS for YIQI BORA car and self-diagnosing of its fault

  5. 宝来(Bora)轿车01M型自动变速器结构和故障诊断分析

    Structure and Fault Diagnostic Programs of the Bora 01M Automatic Transmission

  6. 本文主要是研制一个汽车后轴专用的检测设备,用于测量一汽大众公司A4(宝来)后轴上两个安装面的水平与垂直角度以及两个安装面之间的距离等参数。

    This paper developed a testing equipment for FAW-Volkswagen A4 ( Polaris ) automobile rear axle , which is used to measure the horizontal and vertical angle of two mounting surfaces and the distance between the mounting surfaces .

  7. 一汽宝来轿车CAN数据传输系统及数据传递原理

    CAN Data Transmission System on FAW-VW BORA and Its Transmission Principle

  8. 宝来车的CAN总线特点分析

    Analysis of the Characteristics of the CAN Bus on Bora

  9. 一汽宝来轿车防抱死制动系统及故障诊断

    ABS and Its Fault Diagnosis on FAW-VW Car BORA

  10. 此外,美国国立卫生研究院和宝来惠康基金也资助了这项试验研究。

    In addition to the NIH , the Burroughs Wellcome Fund supported the research .

  11. 一汽&大众新宝来产品开发战略研究

    Strategy of Product Development of FAW-VW New Bora

  12. 针对一汽宝来轿车装备的CAN数据传输系统的组成以及数据传递原理予以介绍。

    The composing and transmission principle of CAN data transmission system on car BORA is introduced .

  13. 在时间之间的宝来和高尔夫推出,市场发生了急剧的变化。

    In the time between the Bora and Golf launch , the market had drastically changed .

  14. 宝来发射是最成功的新车推出,在中国汽车工业的历史。

    The Bora launch was the most successful new car launch in China 's automotive history .

  15. 这是至关重要的是,高尔夫球场发射那样优秀,因为宝来已。

    It was crucial that the Golf launch be as outstanding as the Bora had been .

  16. 接着对本项目的来源&宝来轿车及座椅本地化生产的原因进行了介绍。

    Secondly , the paper introduces the project background that Bora A4 car seat will be localized .

  17. 宝来公司数据存取方法

    Burroughs data access method

  18. 事实上,他在上学之前本来想用这笔钱买一辆宝来轿车。

    In fact , he originally wanted to go to school before using this to buy a car Bora .

  19. 宝来光学有限公司成立于2004年,是一家集研发,生产、贸易于一体的港资企业。

    Was established in2004 , is a collection research and development , production , trade in one of Hong Kong enterprises .

  20. 针对宝来车上的CAN总线技术,分析了CAN总线的组成、结构和工作特点。

    Aiming at the application of the technology of Bora 's CAN bus the paper analyzes the constitution , structure and work traits of CAN bus .

  21. 耶,小伙伴们,就跟它的名字一样,在寒冷的冬天,用这种便携式可充电暖手宝来温暖我们的双手吧。

    Yep , it 's exactly what it sounds like , folks ! Keep this simple , rechargeable hand warmer on hand on a cold winter 's day !

  22. 神圣的彼得神圣的艾伦神圣的所罗门吕西安凯鲁雅克,神圣的汉克神圣的宝来神圣的凯萨迪神圣未知的同性恋,受苦的乞丐神圣丑恶的人类天使!

    Holy Peter holy Allen holy Solomon holy Lucien holy Kerouac holy Huncke holy Burroughs holy Cassady holy the unknown buggered and suffering beggar holy the hideous human angels !

  23. 秉持同样的逻辑,联合利华试图将家乐的肉汁清汤作为与食品安全问题斗争的武器,利用抗菌品牌卫宝来宣传良好的个人卫生习惯。

    Using the same logic , Unilever is trying to position Knorr bouillon as a weapon to combat food insecurity ; Lifebuoy , a vehicle to promote good hygiene .

  24. 且发现宝来及元大京华证券在网路下单的经营模式与本研究设定之网路下单关键成功因素模型,相似度较高。

    Furthermore , the management modes of Polaris and Yuanta Core Pacific Securities'on-line trading are more similar to the successful on-line trading element models set up in this research .

  25. 由于传说郑和曾到三宝来探视他氅下的副指挥官(当时正在此地的一座山洞里养病),人们还建了一座姊妹庙来纪念这个事件。

    Its sister temple , Sampokong , was built to honor Zheng 's reported appearance in Semarang to visit Wang Jinghong , his vice commander , who was laid up in a cave to recuperate from illness .