
  • 网络biogas residue;Digestate
  1. 通过栽培鸡腿菇提高沼渣价值的试验研究

    An Experiment on Increasing the Value of Biogas Residue by Cultivating Coprinus Comatus

  2. 沼渣对基质性质和温室番茄生长的影响

    Effects of Biogas Residue on the Nature of Substrate and Growth of Tomato in Greenhouse

  3. 沼渣中速效K占全K的比重为76.2%,与原料中速效K占全K的比重没有太大差异。

    The rate of available K in total K in fermented sludge was 76.2 % which was not difference with the raw material .

  4. 沼液及沼渣中速效P占全P含量的比重分别比发酵原料提高了30%和20%;

    Compared with the raw material , the proportions of the available P in the total P in fermented liquid and fermented sludge were increased by 30 % and 20 % respectively .

  5. 沼液全量和水溶性氮磷钾养分平均含量均以K>N>P,沼渣则以P高于N、K。

    The average contents of nutrients in slurry were found to be in an order : K > N > P , exception of P , which in dregs was higher than K and N.

  6. 沼渣对稻田甲烷排放量的影响

    Influences of Biogas pit Sediments on Methane Emission from Rice Paddies

  7. 为了搞好沼气的开发和综合利用,利用沼渣、沼液作为肥料进行了玉米栽培试验。

    The biogas manure was studied as fertilizer in corn cultivation .

  8. 合理施用沼渣对土壤钾素有效性影响

    Availability of potassium as affected by biogas residue reasonable application

  9. 太湖蓝藻发酵后沼渣和沼液的肥效研究

    The Research on Fertilizer Efficiency of Taihu Lake Cyanobacteria Residue

  10. 沼液·沼渣在辣椒无土栽培上的应用研究

    Application of Biogas Liquid and Biogas Residue in Soilless Culture of Peppers

  11. 茶园施用沼渣等有机肥对茶叶产量和品质的影响

    Effects of biogas residue on improving yield of tea and its quality

  12. 沼渣、食用菌菌渣对香蕉生长和结果的影响

    Effect of mushroom substrate and biogas residue on the growth and fruiting of banana

  13. 将沼液沼渣进行深加工形成商品肥和农村小沼电,具有广阔的市场和应用前景。

    It is with broad market and great potential to produce commercial fertilizer and using biogas to generate electricity .

  14. 甜菜渣制取沼气和沼渣栽培平菇效果的研究

    Study on the production of biogas from sugar beet residues and culture mushroom with the residues of biogas fermentation

  15. 日粮中添加沼渣对猪肌内脂肪酸组成及含量的影响研究

    Study on Influence of Adding Biogas Residue in Diet on Composition and Content of Intramuscular Fatty Acid in Pig

  16. 上海地区畜禽场大、中型沼气工程沼渣液后处理技术调查研究

    An Investigation on the Post-treatment of Biogas Residue and Water on Medium - and Large-scale Animal Farm in Shanghai District

  17. 沼渣和沼液对油菜生长及氮素利用率的影响

    Effect of Biogas Residue and Biogas Slurry Fertilization on the Yield , Quality and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of the Rape

  18. 对厌氧消化产生的沼渣经过脱水干燥后,利用发电余热对沼渣进行干燥,制成优质有机肥料;

    After dewatering , biogas residues are dried by usage of residual heat to make into fine quality organic fertilizer ;

  19. 沼渣连续施用对土壤有机碳组成及剖面分布的影响

    Effects of Continuous Application of Biogas Residue on the Quality of Soil Organic Carbon in the Profile of Purple Soil

  20. 施用沼渣对不同种植模式土壤中碳、氮形态含量的影响研究

    Study on the Effects of Application of Biogas Residue to the Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Content in Different Cropping Patterns

  21. 结果表明,施用适量沼渣的增产作用明显,且能显著提高甘薯各器官中粗蛋白含量。

    The results indicated that application of biogas slurry significantly increased the yield and improved the content of protein in different organs .

  22. 与施用猪粪、化肥相比,施用沼渣、沼液有利于土壤中多种微生物的均衡生长,有利于土壤微生物种群的均匀分布。

    Applying biogas sludge , biogas slurry are beneficial to balance-growth and balance-distribution of population of micro-organism comparing with pig manure and fertilizer .

  23. 畜禽粪便、秸秆、沼渣沼液等农业有机废弃物是非常优质的有机肥肥源,也是农业生态环境的污染源。

    Agricultural organic waste such as , poultry and animal feces , straw , biogas fertilizer , are high quality organic fertilizer source .

  24. 作为实例本文通过田间试验研究沼液、沼渣在莴笋、黄瓜生长中的作用。

    Field experiments were made to study the site specific function of fermentation digested effluent and sludge in the growth of cucumber and lettuce .

  25. 多点调查和采样分析了农村沼渣的组成份,其组份特点是木质素含量较高。

    Surveyed and taken the samples from various rural regions in Sichuan , the composition of methane fermented sludge had been investigated and analyzed .

  26. 饲喂沼渣源饲料对猪胴体品质、肉质性状及营养成分的影响饲粮中添加啤酒花渣对肉仔鸡营养物质代谢的影响

    Effect of biogas residue feed on swine carcass and meat quality and nutrition content Effect of Hop Residue Supplementation on Nutrient Metabolizing of Broilers

  27. 提高沼渣液固、液体分离率的工艺工程技术,是沼渣液后处理的关键。

    Technique in use for increasing the rate of solid-liquid separation is the key to post-treatment of waste residue and liquid from biogas pits .

  28. 适合中国国情的方法主要有杂交稻替代常规稻,沼渣肥替代纯有机肥。

    Using biogas generator residues to substitute fresh organic fertilizers and using the hybrid rice instead of normal rice cultivars are suitable to China .

  29. 与施用猪粪相比,施用沼渣可促进植株茎秆的健壮生长及根系发育,番茄产量提高20.8%;

    Comparing with pig manure , applying biogas sludge can promote growth and root volume of tomato plant , increase tomato yield by 20.8 % ;

  30. 大量的实际经验和试验研究表明,沼气发酵残留物(沼液和沼渣)是一种集肥料、浸种、饲料添加剂等特性为一身的特殊物质。

    Considerable practical experiences and pilot studies indicate that biogas fermentative residue have some special characteristics , such as fertilizer , seed soaking and feed additivity .