
  • 网络takarazuka
  1. 在宝冢歌剧团的音乐剧《芝加哥》(Chicago)中,由女演员饰演性感迷人的韦尔玛(Velma)和罗克西(Roxie)、趾高气扬的比利·弗林(BillyFlynn)和不幸愚蠢的阿莫斯(Amos)。

    In Takarazuka 's " Chicago , " women play the sultry Velma and Roxie as well as the swaggering Billy Flynn and the hapless-schmoe Amos .

  2. 但是,从很多方面讲,宝冢也具有浓重的日本特色。

    Yet in many ways , Takarazuka could not be more Japanese .

  3. 宝冢的资深导演三木章雄(AkioMiki)说,尽管宝冢表面上看具有西方色彩,但它借鉴“日本传统的纯洁观念”。

    Despite its Western trappings , Takarazuka draws on " ideas of purity that are very primitively Japanese , " Akio Miki , a veteran Takarazuka director , said .

  4. 这个人的妹妹是宝冢剧团的成员吗?

    Isn 't her sister a member of takarazuka ?

  5. 宝冢歌剧团很少在日本之外演出。

    In Japan , Takarazuka is a phenomenon that rarely tours outside the country .

  6. 表面上看,宝冢是对这种日本传统艺术形式的反叛。

    On the surface , Takarazuka looks like a rebellion against such classical Japanese art forms .

  7. 作为宝冢的一员,意味着全心致力于舞台表演。

    To be a member of Takarazuka means you must devote yourself totally to the stage performance .

  8. 在日本期间,里普肯和安德森将在东京、宝冢和京都担任棒球和垒球讲习班的主讲。

    While in Japan , Ripken and Anderson will lead baseball and softball clinics in Tokyo , Takarazuka and Kyoto .

  9. 《芝加哥》尽管具有摩登女郎时代的欢闹,但在道德上比宝冢的大部分剧目更阴暗,更具讽刺性。

    For all its flapper-era razzle-dazzle , " Chicago " is morally darker and more satirical than most Takarazuka fare .

  10. 最近宝冢歌舞团到上海演出,向中国观众展示了它在日本国内外受到的广泛喜爱。

    Recently , Takarazuka Revue Company came to Shanghai and showed to Chinese people how popular it is in Japan and abroad .

  11. 美雪,也因她的厨艺而出名,她有六年的时间在宝冢市的一家全女性的音乐剧组表演。

    Miyuki , also known for her culinary skills , spent six years acting in the Takarazuka Revue , an all-female musical theater group .

  12. 一个全由女性组成的剧团可能要依靠在舞台上揭露男人的缺点和愚蠢,不过宝冢的方式更温和。

    An all-female theater company might be counted on to lay bare men 's flaws and follies onstage , but at Takarazuka the approach is gentler .

  13. 一个世纪后,宝冢歌剧团有五个演出组,每年举办900场演出,演出地点是该公司在东京及其日本西部发源地拥有的剧场里。

    A century later , Takarazuka operates five sub-troupes and puts on 900 shows a year , in company-owned theaters in Tokyo and its original western Japanese base .