
shēnɡ wù zhì liáo
  • biotherapy
  1. 得益于DNA重组技术的发展,肿瘤是基因异常持续积累结果的认可,针对恶性肿瘤所采取的生物治疗技术日趋成为肿瘤治疗的重要手段之一。

    For the development of DNA recombinant technology , and the consent of accumulated abnormal gene resulting tumorigenesis , biotherapy is becoming one of the most means in oncotherapy .

  2. 该文综述了MM的化学治疗、造血干细胞移植、生物治疗、支持治疗及免疫治疗现状及其进展。

    This article reviews current situation and recent advances about chemotherapy , hemopoietic stem cell transplant , biotherapy , supportive treatment and immunotherapy of MM .

  3. 目的原发性肝癌(Hepatocellularcarcinoma,HCC)晚期阶段的治疗十分困难且预后极差,本研究旨在探讨全身性化学生物治疗对晚期HCC的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of systemic chemo-biotherapy for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) .

  4. 生物治疗、化疗在NSCLC多学科治疗中的应用

    The Applications of Bio-therapy and Chemotherapy in the Multi-modality Treatment of NSCLC

  5. 化疗联合生物治疗对结肠癌患者IL-10的影响

    The Influence of Chemotherapy and Biological Response Modifiers on IL-10 of Colon Cancer

  6. 利用DC来增强机体特异性抗肿瘤免疫能力的研究,已成为肿瘤生物治疗的重要课题。

    It is an important topic for tumor biology therapy to enhance the body special immune ability to anti cancer by researched on DC .

  7. Fas有望作为垂体腺瘤生物治疗的一个新靶点,为外源性FasL治疗垂体腺瘤提供了新的思路。

    Fas may serve as a novel therapeutic target for exogenous FasL in the treatment of pituitary adenomas .

  8. 目的通过负载癌抗原的树突状细胞(DC)治疗大鼠原发性肝癌(HCC)模型的实验,探讨其临床生物治疗的可行性。

    Objectives To study the feasibility of hepatocellular carcinoma immunotherapy with dendritic cells loaded with tumor antigens and to provide the fundation for its clinical application .

  9. 化疗加生物治疗对结肠癌患者IL-6、IL-10、IL-12、IFN-γ影响的研究

    Clinical Study of Biotherapy and Chemotherapy Influence to IL-6 , IL-10 , IL-12 and IFN - γ Level of Colon Cancer

  10. 用抗体取代PE结构域Ia形成免疫毒素(Immunotoxin),被用于肿瘤等的生物治疗。

    Replacement PE domain I a with antibody forms immunotoxin , which is extensively used in biotherapy of tumors .

  11. 经典型Kaposi,s肉瘤放射治疗加生物治疗

    Radiotherapy combined with biotherapy for Classic Kaposi ~ , s sarcoma

  12. 目的:通过肿瘤细胞裂解物冲击致敏树突状细胞(DCs)进行在体动物实验,为探索以DCs为基础的肿瘤生物治疗在临床上应用提供一些技术方法和实验依据。

    Objectives : To provide technic methods and experimental evidences for clinical application of tumor biological therapy associated with the sensitive dendritic cells ( DCs ) .

  13. TLR4有望成为肿瘤生物治疗的新靶点。

    TLR4 is expected to become a new target for cancer biotherapy .

  14. 重组腺病毒介导人野生型p53、GM-CSF和B7-1基因对恶性肿瘤生物治疗的临床前研究

    Pre-clinical Study on Bio-therapy of Malignant Tumor with Human Wild-Type p-53 , GM-CSF and B7-1 Genes Mediated by Recombinant Adenovirus Vector

  15. 这为进一步研究CSP对肿瘤细胞迁移的影响以及肿瘤的生物治疗奠定了基础。

    This could provide new sight for further research on influence of CSP on the migration of tumor cells and tumor biological therapy .

  16. 对口腔癌组织中VEGF、MVD的检测将可能成为口腔癌预后的一个有用指标,并对口腔癌的临床生物治疗提供指导。

    Quantification of VEGF and MVD in oral tissues may provide a valuable marker for a prognosis of patients with OSCCs , and conduct biological treatment .

  17. 通过放射性核素标记Endostatin后,利用放射性核素优良的显像和治疗肿瘤的特性,实现肿瘤的显像和生物治疗与放射性靶向治疗相结合的双效治疗。

    After labeled with radionuclide , the labeled endostatin can be used in photography , biological and radio targeting therapy of tumor .

  18. 研究背景与目的生物治疗(biotherapy)是继手术、化疗、放疗后肿瘤的第四大治疗模式。

    Background and objective : Biotherapy followed surgery , chemotherapy and radiotherapy is the fourth pattern in tumor therapy .

  19. 目的:新城鸡瘟病毒修饰的自体肿瘤疫苗(NewCastleDiseaseVirus-ModifiedAutologousTumorVaccine,NDV-ATV),是新近用于临床的肿瘤生物治疗方法,但其具体作用机制尚不十分清楚。

    Objective : New castle disease virus-modified autologous tumor vaccine ( NDV-ATV ) is a kind of tumor biotherapy which has been recently used clinically . But its mechanism is still unclear .

  20. 肿瘤的免疫治疗是生物治疗重要方法之一,目前,抗独特型抗体疫苗、抗原疫苗及DNA疫苗等都取得一定的进展,但仍然存在某些不足,没有达到预想的结果。

    The immune therapy is one important method of biological therapies . Up to now , there was great progress in anti-idiotypic vaccine > antigen vaccine and DNA vaccine , but there are some defects in it , not reaching the expectant effect .

  21. 选择性COX-2抑制剂可联合化疗、内分泌治疗及生物治疗等,作为肿瘤治疗的辅助药物应用于临床,为乳腺癌的治疗提供一种新的途径。

    Selective COX-2 inhibitors can combine with chemotherapy , endocrine therapy and biotherapy . It is gradually used for adjunctive therapy and provides a new pathway for the therapy of breast cancer .

  22. 目的探讨热休克反应对由TNFα诱导卵巢癌细胞A2780凋亡的影响,为卵巢癌生物治疗提供实验依据。

    Objective To explore the resistance effect of HSR for ovarian cancer cells apoptosis induced by TNF α, and provide basic material for biology therapy of ovarian cancer cells .

  23. p53,VEGF-C与MVD呈正相关。结论p53、VEGF-C,MVD与食管病变及食管癌的侵袭转移密切相关,对估计患者预后具有重要价值,并有可能做为食管癌临床生物治疗的参考指标。

    Conclusions p53 、 VEGF-C and angiogenesis played an important role in the invasion and metastasis of esophageal carcinoma and may be a molecular biological basis to evaluate the patient prognoses .

  24. 评价Herceptin与CIK细胞联用是否存在协同抗乳腺癌细胞作用,开辟乳腺癌生物治疗的新途径。

    To evaluate the synergistic effect of Herceptin combined with CIK cells so as to exploit a new method of the immuno therapy of breast cancer .

  25. 随着胶质瘤特异性抗原的鉴定和发现,脑胶质瘤特异性细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTL)过继治疗成为最令人瞩目的生物治疗研究领域之一。

    As a specific glioma antigen identification and detection , glioma specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes ( CTL ) adoptive immunotherapy became the most remarkable treatment of the biological treatment of research field .

  26. 以HPV为靶标的宫颈癌疫苗研究,成为宫颈癌生物治疗的重要策略,从多种途径进行的宫颈癌疫苗的研究,为防治HPV感染和宫颈癌的发生带来了新的希望。

    The research on cervical cancer vaccine targeting to HPV becomes an important strategy for biological treatment of cervical cancer and it brings a new hope for preventions of HPV infection and development of cervical cancer .

  27. 结论:应用多克隆抗体可以检测体内外CD基因的表达,为临床前和临床上深入开展CD基因的生物治疗研究提供重要的实验材料。

    CD recombinant protein . Conclusion With the polyclonal antibody , CD expression can now be monitored throughout in vitro and in vivo gene transfer studies with the polyclonal antibody . The polyclonal antibody can be used in further biological gene therapy of CD gene .

  28. 基于该研究总结出有关医药生物治疗公司学术营销的策略,提供一套具有可执行的方法,为Z公司自身及其他肿瘤生物治疗企业提供一套可借鉴的、科学的学术营销和运营管理体系。

    Based on the study summarized the relevant academic medical treatment company marketing strategy , to provide a set of executable method , for Z company itself and other tumor biological treatment provides a set of lessons , scientific academic marketing and operation management system .

  29. 结论成功克隆MAGE-12基因,为MAGE-12用于肿瘤的生物治疗做出准备工作。

    Conclusion The MAGE-12 gene was cloned successfully , which make the foundation of biological treatment by using MAGE-12 gene .

  30. 生物治疗被称为治疗恶性肿瘤的第4种方法,近二十年来发展相当迅速,尤以基因工程改造的病毒为突出,E1B缺失腺病毒即是其中之一。

    The development of biotherapy is in recent years , which is named the fourth treatment of malignant tumors .