
  • 网络biotoxins
  1. 酸性pH对水生生物的毒作用方式包括气体交换受阻、体盐调节紊乱、酸碱平衡失调,以及与金属的联合作用等。

    The toxic effect of low pH on aquatic life include inhibition of gas exchange , disorder of body salt adjustment , imbalance of acidity and alkalinity , and the combined effects with metals .

  2. 由于MTBE极易溶于水,研究MTBE在水体中的迁移和积累规律以及对水生生物的毒效应具有重要的现实意义和较高的理论价值。

    MTBE is also highly soluble in water . It is the theoretical and practical significant to study the transfer and accumulation rule in water systems and toxicity to aquatic creature .

  3. 本研究所长期从事黄曲霉毒素生物去毒转化的研究,筛选到一株产黄曲霉毒素解毒酶的菌株E-20。

    Objective : Our institute has screened an enzyme capable of detoxifying AFB1 , named Aflatoxin-detoxifizyme ( ADTZ ), from the E-20 strain .

  4. 棉籽饼粕生物脱毒及深加工增值

    Biologic Detoxification of Cottonseed Cake Dregs and Increment of Their Deep - Processing

  5. 大米中的真菌毒素及其生物脱毒技术的研究

    Advances on Mycotoxins and Bio-detoxification Technology in Rice

  6. 有毒饼粕生物脱毒的研究

    A study biotical detoxification of toxic oilseed cakes

  7. 嗜酸硫氧化菌株的分离及其在污泥生物脱毒中的应用

    Isolation of an Acidophilic Sulfur-Oxidizing Strain SS-3 and Its Application on Heavy Metal Bioleaching from Sewage Sludge

  8. 食品与饲料中霉菌毒素的微生物脱毒研究进展大米中的真菌毒素及其生物脱毒技术的研究

    Detoxification of mycotoxin by microorganisms in food and feed Advances on Mycotoxins and Bio-detoxification Technology in Rice

  9. 目的:筛选能够降解咖啡碱的细菌,以期在该毒素的生物脱毒中得到应用。

    Objective : The aim of this work was to find strains capable of degrading caffeine so as to develop a biological approach for caffeine detoxicification .

  10. 菜籽饼生物脱毒的微生物筛选复配、脱毒机理与应用效果研究溶剂脲包法从脱溴馏出物中提取生育酚

    On Separation and Combination of Detoxicating Microbes , Detoxicated Theory and Applied Effect in Biology Detoxicating Method of RSM ; Research of the solvent urea package for extracted tocopherol from debromination accompaniment

  11. 秸秆抑藻具有经济有效和对环境友好的特点,其抑藻能力强,对其它水生生物没有毒副作用,是控制蓝藻水华的一种新途径。

    Using straw to inhibit the algal is a new way to control algal bloom , which has the features of cost-effective , environmentally friendly , strong ability and no toxic side effects for other aquatic organisms .

  12. 清塘净对鱼类等水生生物急性致毒的研究

    Studies on the Acute Toxicity from " Qingtangjing " to Fish and Other Aquatic Animal

  13. 一个用于有机物生物活(毒)性研究的新拓扑指数

    A Novel Topological Index for the Study of Biological Activity ( Toxicity ) of Organic Compounds

  14. 等等,紫色旗子代表了水域有海洋有害生物,比如毒水母

    Wait , that purple flag indicates that marine pests , such as jellyfish , are present .

  15. ZPP值不仅能与尿铅、血铅相结合作为铅中毒诊断的可靠指标,在对铅接触者普查和生物监测铅的毒作用方面也是一项很有用的初筛指标。

    ZPP lead in blood and urine were useful as a diagnostic index .

  16. 实验验证了Poly(OVNG-co-NVCL)具有很好的生物相容性,毒副作用比较小而且促进了细胞的生长。

    Hella cells was chosen as a detection matrix , it resulted as Poly ( OVNG-co-NVCL ) has good biocompatibility , relatively smaller side effects and promotes cell growth .

  17. 菜籽粕生物降解法脱毒及综合利用

    Detoxication and utilization of rapeseed cake by bio - degradation

  18. 而铝是一种具有特殊生物毒性的致毒因子,所以,铝含量的测定对于人们生活质量有着重要意义。

    But the aluminum is an intoxicating factor with special bio-toxicity , thus , the determination of aluminum content is very important for quality of life .

  19. 在海洋特殊的生态环境中,许多低等无脊椎动物,如柳珊瑚,软珊瑚等,通过拒捕食、抗生物附着、鱼毒等生态学作用形成自身的化学防御体系。

    In marine environment , many invertebrates , such as gorgonians and soft corals , develop chemical defensive system by antifeedant , anti-biofouling , ichthyootoxin and other ecological effects .