
  • 网络the year of birth and death
  1. 江西临江三孔生卒年考

    Making textual research into the year of birth and death of " Lin Jiang 's Three Kongs " in Jiangxi

  2. 李商隐生卒年新考

    New Textual Research of the Years of Li Shangyin 's Birth and Death

  3. 清代若干诗人的生卒年与相关问题

    On the Years of Birth and Death of Several Qing Dynasty Poets and Related Problems

  4. 关于他的生卒年,近年学术界提出了一种新的观点。

    With regard to his natal and obituary year , there is a new point of view lately .

  5. 清代诗人孙原湘、席佩兰生卒年考辨

    About the Birth-Years and Death-Years of Sun Yuan-xiang and Xi Pei-lan , the Conjugal Poets in Qing Dynasty

  6. 对《全明词》中所收词作不全而可辑补、作者小传中生卒年失考的部分词人的小传进行订补。

    This paper is a biographical correction and supplement of some authors in The Collection of Ci Poetry of the Ming Dynasty .

  7. 林古度生卒年佐证与友朋酬赠作品系年新生儿窒息发生率,尤其重度窒息发生率明显低于对照组;

    Evidences of The Natal and Obituary Year of Lin Gu-du and Dating of Some Poems Presented as Reciprocation contrary the natal asphyxia rate .

  8. 已知其生卒年或寿数的70人中,80岁及80岁以上的占7.14%;

    Among the 70 scholars whose birthday and life span are known , there are 7.14 % of them lived to and over 80 years old ;

  9. 因其事迹未有正式记载,口耳相传中与实际情况多有不符之处,故而论文第一章着重于考证性论述,辨考其生卒年、姓名字号等。

    Because her deeds are lack of official record , her birth year , the name , and the byname are inaccurate , so chapter one emphasizes on textual research .

  10. 第一章为李充考论。分为生卒年、家世、籍贯、仕历及交游考述。

    Chapter one is the study of Li Chong , which includes the studies of the years of birth and death , family background , native place , official career and circle of friends .

  11. 罗贯中的生卒年以定在1320-1390左右比较符合实际。健康,与身体天长地久的约会

    The date of birth and death of Luo Guanzhong should accordingly be de - fined at 1320 - 1390 . The novel of Three Kingdoms should be earlier than The All Men are Brothers . Health and date