
  • 网络spanish literature;Hispanic Literature
  1. 可悲的是,我对西班牙文学的了解是有限的。

    Sadly , my acquaintance with Spanish literature is limited .

  2. 他最后的一篇小说是他对西班牙文学的最大贡献。

    His last novel is his greatest contribution to Spanish literature .

  3. 我还记得上中学的第一天,我的西班牙文学老师走进教室。

    I remember on the first day of middle school , my Spanish literature teacher came into the room .

  4. 如果你想学国际关系,西班牙文学,或者中文,比如:暑假旅行当然可以,玩和学两不误(不管你父母是怎么认为的)。

    If you want to major in International Relations , Spanish Literature , or Chinese , for example , summer travel can be both enjoyable and academic in nature ( no matter what your parents might think !) .

  5. 就在遗骨找到之际,西班牙与文学界迎来了《堂·吉诃德》第二卷出版400周年的周年纪念(第一卷于1605年出版)。

    The discovery of the possible remains comes as Spain and the literary world celebrate the 400th anniversary of the publication of the second volume of " Don Quixote " ( the first one was published in 1605 ) .