
  • 网络folk custom;folklore items
  1. 只有深入考察研究纷繁复杂的民俗事象,才能为民俗摄影提供理论依据。

    Only with a deep probe into colorful and intricate images of folk custom , can theoretical evidence be provided for folk custom photography .

  2. 就鲁迅小说中关于民俗方面的描写,从民俗事象、意蕴、艺术价值三个方面探讨鲁迅小说中的民俗意蕴。

    From the description of the folk custom in the novel of LuXun , the paper approaches the folk custom and the implication from the three aspects which is the things of folk custom , the analysis of implication and the value of art .

  3. 人生礼仪是社会民俗事象的重要组成部分。

    Etiquette in life is an important part of social custom .

  4. 方言单位具体陈述民俗事象的内容;

    Dialect unit states the content of the folklore meter particularly ;

  5. 南方少数民族民俗事象与仿生

    Folklore Phenomena & Bionics among Ethnic Minorities in the South of China

  6. 灯俗是常见的一种民俗事象,它包含有丰富的文化内涵。

    Light Folk Custom is a Chinese tradition prevalent in Southeast Guangxi .

  7. 浅谈气候因素对民俗事象的影响&民俗与地理环境系列研究论文之三

    On the influence of climate factors on folk customs

  8. 方言单位旁涉夹带民俗事象;

    Dialect unit carries secretly the folklore meter ;

  9. 多侧面地记录民俗事象;

    Record a variety of folk customs ;

  10. 她美丽而恐怖,多情而散漫,既是一种信仰对象,也是一个奇丽的文学形象,因而从她身上还可获得对相关民俗事象与小说题材的读解。

    From her , one may have an understanding of correlative folklore facts and fictive themes .

  11. 总体而言,本文是对徽州民间传说这一民俗事象所作的整体性研究。

    In general , this article is a holistic research of Huizhou Legends as folk matters .

  12. 其音乐丰富多彩,与豫南民俗事象关系密切。

    With rich and colorful , its music related closely to the folk-custom in Yu'nan , especially the funeral activities .

  13. 试析自然地理环境对民俗事象的影响&以乾隆时期宜川县为例

    Influence of Natural Geographic Environment on Folk Customs & Taking Yi Chuan County in Qian Long Period as An Example

  14. 中国特色的民俗学学术体系的建设在很大程度上要依赖悠久的历史文明,以探讨民俗事象、历史源流与民俗观念变迁为对象的历史民俗学在其中至关紧要。

    Historical folklore is a part of Chinese folklore , It consists of history of folk-custom and history of folklore .

  15. 慕侠这一民俗事象,已成为几乎全体社会成员所公认的一个理想化人格标准和行为模式。

    The admiring of the Chinese knight errantry was recognized as an idealization standard and action mode by whole society member .

  16. 闽北樟湖蛇王节的民俗事象,其文化内涵显示了蛇信仰的文化遗存。

    The folkways of the Snake King Festival in Zhangzhou of North Fujian come from their cultural heritage of snake worship .

  17. 在中国传统民俗事象中,门和婚俗是值得深入研究的课题。

    In traditional Chinese folk customs , the Doors and Wedding Customs are the subjects that are worth to further studying .

  18. 学者们对巴人跳丧舞多从宗教和哲学的角度分析其产生背景、发展源流、表现形态从而试图揭示这种民俗事象背后的原始宗教特征与哲学意义。

    Scholars often make an analysis of the background , the origin and reveals the religious characteristics and philosophical meaning of it .

  19. 作为综合性的民俗事象,打三朝承载了苗族的历史文化、民族特征、伦理道德等诸多方面内容。

    As comprehensive folklore objective subject , Da Shan Zhao carries historical culture , national identity moral ethics and many other aspects .

  20. 作为一种民俗事象,丧葬仪礼深受朝鲜古代各个时期人们意识观念的影响。

    As a Korean tradition , the burial customs has been shaped by Korean peoples conceptions in different historical periods in ancient Korea .

  21. 民俗学作为一门科学,不仅要研究乡村的风俗习惯,也要研究都市的民俗事象。

    As a kind of science , the folklore not only studies the rural custom habits but also the the urban folk customs .

  22. 所以,民俗学讲究“深入访谈”,讲究对研究对象内部知识的了解,从而描摹民俗事象背后的传统。

    Folklore studies require deep interviews to get inside knowledge of research objects , and then to be able to describe folklore phenomena .

  23. 本文从文本入手,通过对其中几项民俗事象的分析解构,具体阐释出关于生与死这个永恒的文化主题。

    This paper , by analyzing and unstructuring some of the folklores , explains the everlasting cultural theme : to be or not to be .

  24. 这些自然形态的象征意义又通过五花八门的民俗事象得以生动地展现和代代传承,古老的神话由此而获得了永不衰竭的活力,即使是在现代生活中也不难寻觅其飘忽的踪影。

    The symbolic meanings are expressed and passed on from generation to generation by resorting to folk stories , and the old myths remain everlasting .

  25. 中国学派方法之源在于中国学者探索中国民俗事象的实践之中。学派是由一个个学者发展而来的。

    The methodology of China 's folklore schools originated from the practices that the Chinese scholars adopted in their research on China 's folk affairs .

  26. 婚姻习俗是一种比较典型的民俗事象,不同的民族对婚俗的认识与选择不同,所以在婚姻习俗的仪式和形式上都有所不同。

    Marriage customs is a typical folk customs , different peoples have different ideas about marriage customs . So they have different ceremony and form .

  27. 近年来,兰州太平鼓一直是一个很热门的话题,但是到目前为止还没有人对兰州太平鼓这一民俗事象做过系统全面的研究。

    Recent years , there has been a heated topic in general public , but so far there is no systematic research on Lanzhou Taiping Drum .

  28. 作为一种俗文化,宋元戏曲大量地演述广大平民观众喜闻乐见的民俗事象。

    As a kind of folk culture , the dramas of the Song and Yuan Dynasties deal with a wide variety of folk customs popular with the audience .

  29. 节庆作为一种民俗事象传承着族群﹨民族的传说、禁忌、仪式和知识,同时也维系着人们相互之间的感情。

    Festival as a sort of folklore items inherits legend , taboo , ritual and knowledge of ethnic group / nation , and maintains mutual affection between people .

  30. 第二部分分析不同种类的民俗事象中存在的时空现象,证明民俗生活中普遍蕴含并体现着特定的时空观,初步揭示时空观对于民俗的功用。

    The second chapter analyses space-time phenomenon in different kinds of custom then prove that there is special space-time concept in folkloric life and preliminarily reveal the functions to folk-custom .