
  • 网络Lingshi County
  1. 文章之所以选取灵石县为个案,是因为该县地处山西中部,交通相对闭塞,风俗改革较为缓慢。

    Lingshi County is selected as a case because it is located in the centre of Shanxi Province and transportation was relatively inconvenient , custom reformation was relatively slow .

  2. 期望通过这些措施的实行,能够使灵石县新型农村社会养老保险试点步入良性循环的轨道,也能够为中国农村养老保险的开展探索出一条新路子。

    Hope that , through the implementation of these measures , enabling Lingshi County new type of rural social endowment insurance pilot into a virtuous cycle track , but also be able to carry out old-age insurance in rural China to explore a new road .

  3. 山西灵石县龙鑫发煤矿古滑坡成因与稳定性研究

    A Study on Causes and Stability of Ancient Landslide at Long Xin Fa Coal Mine . LingShi . ShanXi