
  • 网络Evidence-based medicine;evidence based medicine;ebm;Cochrane;EMB
  1. 循证医学(evidence-basedMedicine)是医学发展史上的第三个里程碑。

    Evidence-based medicine ( EMB ) is the third milestone in medicinal history .

  2. 基于循证医学原则中医药干预冠心病PCI后再狭窄的临床实践

    Practical Experiences of Applying TCM Intervention along Principle of Evidence-based Medicine on Restenosis after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

  3. 循证医学中统计结果的准确表达:P值与可信区间

    The Right Way of Presentation of Statistical Results in EBM : P Values and Confidence Interval

  4. 循证医学(Evidence-basedMedicine)&临床研究与实践的新时代

    Evidence - based Medicine & New Horizon in Clinical Research and Practice

  5. 非小细胞肺癌p53基因治疗的循证医学评价

    Evidence-based Appraisal of p53 Gene Therapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

  6. 统计的结果应同时报告P值与可信区间,并为循证医学提供有效证据。

    The right way of presentation of study results should include both P values and confidence intervals , and it will help to provide valid evidences for EBM .

  7. 从循证医学到ATPⅢ指南修订:调脂治疗新概念

    From Evidence Based Medicine to Revision of NCEP ATP ⅲ: New Views of Lipid-lowering Treatment

  8. 脊髓亚急性联合变性的MRI特点及循证医学分析:3例报告并文献复习

    MRI features and analysis of evidence-based medicine of subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord : A report of 3 cases and literature review

  9. 循证医学与Meta分析

    Evidence-based medicine and meta-analysis

  10. 近年来的循证医学实践给收缩性高血压(SH)的处理,带来新的证据和理念。

    The practice of evidence-based medicine bring new ideas and evidence to systolic hypertension ( SH ) in recent years .

  11. 循证医学资料证明,乙型肝炎病毒(HepatitisBvirus,HBV)是疾病进展的最重要的因素,故抗病毒治疗是慢乙肝治疗的关键。

    Information of evidence-based medicine have proved , hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) is the most important factor for disease progression , so antiviral treatment is the key treatment for CHB .

  12. CMS对有循证医学支持的应用技术把关如此之严,是不是意味着审批全国医保覆盖范围的方法有所改变呢,我们希望是这样的。

    Does the CMS 's strict application of evidence-based analysis herald a shift in its approach to national coverage decisions ? We hope so .

  13. 目前多用于脑卒中及肌萎缩侧索硬化,但对PEG置放的时机、风险和对延长存活期的价值仍需更多的循证医学研究。

    PEG is mostly used for stroke and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis , although more evidence-based researches are required to assess the timing , risks , and survival benefits .

  14. 循证医学(EBM)反映了世界医学的发展趋势,代表着现代医学的方向,为越来越多的医学界人士关注和接受。

    Evidence based medicine ( EBM ) was the trend of medicine development and represented the orientation of modern medicine .

  15. 循证医学以及Cochrane协作网和其它多种循证资源,作为一种新的获得高质量医学证据的方法和途径,在肿瘤学研究中起到了重要作用。

    Evidence-based medicine , the cochrane collaboration and many resoures : A new approach to medical decision-making in oncology .

  16. 我们欢迎CMS作出的这个有里程碑式意义的决定,希望其坚持循证医学的方法并且随着医疗改革的深化继续延伸这种方法的应用。

    We applaud this landmark decision , and we hope that the agency remains firm in its evidence-based approach and extends its application as health care reform proceeds .

  17. 循证医学(evidence-basedMedicine,EBM)是21世纪临床医学教育发展的必然趋势,其核心思想是在医疗决策中将临床证据、个人经验与患者的实际情况和意愿三者相结合。

    Evidence-based medicine ( EBM ) is an inevitable development tendency of clinical medicine education in 21 century . Its core thinking is to combine evidence , personal experiences and patients'actual situation .

  18. 随着循证医学的发展,在为临床工作提供证据方面,Meta分析(系统评价)的地位仅次于大规模、多中心的临床随机对照研究(RCT)。

    With the development of the EBM , Meta-analysis is just inferior to the large scale , multi-centre RCT in terms of the supply of evidence .

  19. 介绍吉兰-巴雷综合征(GBS)病因治疗的循证医学证据,主要包括血浆置换、静脉注射免疫球蛋白、糖皮质激素。

    To introduce etiologic therapy in evidence-based medicine ( EBM ) practice for Guillain-Barr syndrome ( GBS ), mainly including plasma exchange , intravenous immunoglobulin and glucocorticoid .

  20. 目的:对国内有关OLP治疗的临床报道进行循证医学分析,为正确治疗OLP提供临床指导。

    Objective : To appraise Chinese medical literature concerning treatments of oral lichen planus ( OLP ) and provide a correct guidance for OLP therapy .

  21. 循证医学(EBM)的发展使得大量的临床证据产生了,用于检索这些证据的Cochrane图书馆亦已开发成功。

    With the development of Evidence-based Medicine ( EBM ), great amount of clinical evidence has been created , Cochrane Library has also been established for searching these evidence .

  22. 目的:按照循证医学标准,对国内外血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACEI)所致咳嗽机制研究的结果予以总结和评价,指导临床工作。

    Objective : To summarize and evaluate the current situation of clinical studies on cough mechanism induced by angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors ( ACEI ) according to evidence based medicine standards .

  23. 他汀类药物作为冠心病治疗的一线药物,其安全性、有效性已有大量循证医学证据,近年一些国外研究证实PCI术前的强化他汀治疗有可能降低PCI术中的心肌损伤。

    Statins , as the first-line pharmaceutical treatment for coronary heart disease , were supportted by series of evidence-based medicine for the effectiveness and safety . Some newly published trials confirmed that enhanced statin therapy before PCI may reduce PCI-related myocardial injury .

  24. 在2084篇IBD治疗性文献中,1533篇(73.6%)为临床药物治疗性文献,仅598篇(28.7%)文献可根据循证医学标准分类。

    Of 2084 articles , 1533 ( 73.6 % ) papers were related with clinical study on drug treatment , and only 598 ( 28.7 % ) could be classified by evidence-based medicine .

  25. 传统的临床医学教育观念已不适应EBM时代的要求,以问题为基础的循证医学的临床教育观念和教学模式,是当今临床医学发展的必然趋势。

    Nowadays , the educational concept of clinical medicine trends of the times of EBM . Nowadays , the educational concept of clinical medicine trends towards problem based EBM with the development of clinical medicine .

  26. 结论:显示胃排空、MMC、胃电图以及胃动素与功能性消化不良中医分型可能有相关性,并尚有待于按循证医学的原则进行多中心大样本的进一步研究。

    Conclusions : these findings suggested that gastric emptying > MMC , EGG , MOT and the types of FD in TCM maybe have correlation , yet that needs multi-center and large exponent investigation by doctrine of evidence based medicine .

  27. 目的了解冠心病患者接受经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)或冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)术后危险因素的控制情况,分析其与循证医学指南的差距。

    Objective To elucidate the profile of risk factors modification after percutaneous coronary intervention ( PCI ) or coronary artery bypass grafting ( CABG ) in patients with coronary artery disease in order to scale the gap between real world practice and evidence-based guidelines .

  28. 应尽快普及循证医学知识,加强RCT临床方法的学习和培训,进一步提高RCT/CCT的质量,为临床实践提供可靠的证据。

    So that , in order to offer the reliable evidence for clinical practice , the knowledge of Evidence-Based Medicine ( EBM ) should be popularized and the training on clinical method of RCT / CCT should be strengthened as soon as possible .

  29. 随着医学教育体制的改革与完善,终身学习成为现代教学的行为指南,循证医学教育(BEME)是终身学习的一个重要内容,在高校人才培养中的起着重要的作用。

    With the reform and development of medical educational system , lifelong learning has become a behavior guideline in modern teaching . Evidence-based medical education ( EBME ), an important component of lifelong learning education , plays an essential role in cultivating talents at colleges and universities .

  30. 降压药;高血压;循证医学;结果评价。

    Antihypertensive drugs ; Hypertension ; Evidencebased medicine ; Outcome assessment .