
zhènɡ chánɡ shí
  • orthoclase
  1. 其他岩石类型中的钾长石的化学成分和结果状态变化很大,可以从透长石、正长石到微斜长石,其特征为K2O的含量相对较低,但Na2O、CaO和BaO的含量相对较高。

    K feldspars from other rock types are likely sanidine , orthoclase or microclines that show greater variations in chemical compositions and are characterized by lower content of K-2O but higher contents of Na-2O , CaO and BaO .

  2. 一种透明或半透明的宝石,带珍珠光彩,有的样品是正长石,有的是斜长石。

    A transparent or translucent gemstone with a pearly luster ; some specimens are orthoclase feldspar and others are plagioclase feldspar .

  3. 超晶格正长石的高分辨透射电子显微镜研究

    HRTEM study of the superlattice orthoclase

  4. 第一批样本就是正长石。

    These first samples are orthoclases .

  5. 这块有玻璃光泽的正长石是从火山岩的碎屑中找到的,当时我在墨西哥进行矿石样本采集的活动。

    This glassy one is found in volcanic rock . In fact , I found it in New Mexico on a collecting trip .

  6. 此外,还有矿物组合与辉长岩相似的辉长伟晶岩;与霞石正长石相似的霞石正长伟晶岩等等。

    In addition , mineral assemblage and gabbro similar to gabbro pegmatite ; and nepheline syenite nepheline syenite rock similar pegmatite and so on .

  7. 结果表明,硅酸盐细菌对不同类型矿粉的解钾能力不同:炭渣>石骨子>绿豆岩>正长石。

    The results showed silicate bacteria has different potassium soluting ability for different kinds of minerals and according to the soluting ability the order for four minerals is : coal powder > purple argillaceous rock > chlorite > orthoclase .

  8. 宣化-赤城高压麻粒岩带中蓝晶石-正条纹长石组合的发现及地质意义

    The Discovery of Coexisting Kyanite + Perthite Assemblage in Xuanhua - Chicheng High - Pressure Granulite Belt and Its Geological Significance