
fēng làng
  • storm;wind wave;hardship;stormy wave;squall
风浪 [fēng làng]
  • (1) [stormy wave;squall]∶风和波浪

  • (2) [storm]∶比喻艰险的遭遇

  • 久经风浪

风浪[fēng làng]
  1. 该测量系统结构具有在近水面测深过程中抗风浪干扰的特点,同时基于DSP的运算模式使其具有高速处理能力和高度的集成性,适合多种场合的需要。

    Designed the structure for measuring makes the system has the characteristics of resist stormy waves . At the same time the DSP-based module makes the system have a high degree of integration besides high-speed processing capability , suitable for the needs of a variety of occasions .

  2. 大风浪中救助无人失火船&LDZ18轮

    Salvage Unmanned Fire " LDZ18 " Ship In Great Stormy Waves

  3. 海上起风浪会导致渡轮航班取消。

    Heavy seas can cause cancellation of ferry services .

  4. 渡海时风浪很大,多数乘客看上去脸色发青。

    It was a rough crossing and most of the passengers looked distinctly green .

  5. 救援人员因风浪太大而被迫中断工作。

    The rescuers were beaten back by strong winds and currents

  6. 我们靠近古巴的背风海岸时风浪开始平息。

    The sea started to ease as we came under Cuba 's lee .

  7. 幸运的是,第二天天亮时,风浪平静了些。

    The next day dawned , thankfully with a drop in wind and waves .

  8. 我们上次旅行时曾经沿着海岸,逆着风浪向东曲折航行。

    Our last trip involved a coastal passage , tacking east against wind and current

  9. 今天海面上风浪很大,那些配有专门设备的船只无法展开清除海面浮油的工作。

    Rough seas today prevented specially equipped ships from skimming oil off the water 's surface

  10. 他认为任何人都能够在没有风浪的水域驾驶这艘船。

    He believes that anyone can steer this boat in calm waters .

  11. 在大风浪中为船舶引航是很困难的。

    It 's hard to pilot a vessel in rough weather .

  12. 迎着斗争的风浪前进。

    Face the rough weather of struggle and forge ahead .

  13. 我们的船顶着风浪前进。

    Our ship made head against the wind and waves .

  14. 海上风浪平息了。

    The sea calmed down .

  15. 海上风浪很大。

    The sea is rough .

  16. 风浪很大,船颠簸得厉害。

    There was a heavy sea and the ship tossed terribly .

  17. 他们与风浪搏斗。

    They battled with the winds and waves .

  18. 风浪渐渐平复。

    The storm gradually subsided .

  19. 风浪背景下舰船水压场信号的自适应AR模型预测滤波

    Adaptive AR model prediction filtering for ship hydraulic pressure signal on wind wave background

  20. HDPE双管圆形深海抗风浪网箱的研制

    Research and development of the deep-sea anti-waves cage with 2-ring HDPE pipes in circular shape

  21. 风浪背景下运动舰船水压信号滤波的慢跟踪LMS算法

    Slow Tracing LMS Algorithm for Filtering Hydraulic Pressure Signal of Moving Ship on Wave

  22. 利用物理过程考虑得较全面的第三代近岸海浪数值模式(SWAN),模拟了湛江港海域一次台风浪过程。

    The SWAN model is used to simulate typhoon waves on the coastal sea of Zhanjiang .

  23. 结果表明:SWAN模型较好地模拟了渤海湾在定常风和非定常风作用下风浪成长和传播过程。

    It was suggested that the SWAN model could well simulate the development and propagation of steady and unsteady wind-induced waves .

  24. 这样,三参数统计关系式连同Liu等(2003)的公式构成了一个新的风浪谱模型。

    With the statistical relationships and equations given by Liu et al . ( 2003 ), a new wind wave spectrum model for deep water is proposed in this study .

  25. 通过对渤海海域内风场资料的分析,选取SW向的风,利用SWAN模式计算渤海海域的风浪场。

    SW wind is selected through analysis of Bohai Sea wind data . SWAN model is used to calculate wind-wave in Bohai Sea .

  26. 对波候的H-T联合分布、长时段海浪连续记录的H-T联合分布以及风浪、涌浪和混合浪的H-T联合分布进行了讨论。

    Some joint distributions are discussed , such as the H-T joint distribution of wave clime , the H-T joint distribution of longer time continuous wave records , the H-T joint distribution of wind-wave , swells and mixed waves .

  27. 根据实验结果提出风浪周期的Weibull分布经验公式,Weibull分布中的参数依赖于谱宽度。

    Based on the observations in the experiment , the Weibull distribution of wind wave periods is proposed . The parameters in the Weibull distribution depend on spectral width .

  28. 国际海事组织(IMO)于1981年提出了计入风浪联合作用下船舶动稳性衡准原则。

    International Maritime Organization ( IMO ) presented in 1981 the dynamic stability criterion with the joint action of wind and waves counted .

  29. 传统的风浪谱估计方法FFT法假定在所取时间滞后数乘机之外其协方差函数为零,在周期图中假定所取数据长度为一完整周期。

    Traditional spectrum estimation method , Fast Fourier Transform , assumes that the covariance function out of the computation domain is regarded as zero , the period histogram is considered to be the whole period .

  30. 结论在3、4级风浪条件下,部队在海上适应性训练的时间需要8~21d;

    Conclusion Under 3 or 4 grade sea waves , it takes 8-21 days of training on the sea for the soldiers to get adaptation .