
pēn hú
  • watering can;sprinkling can
喷壶 [pēn hú]
  • [sprinkling can] 盛水浇花的壶,喷水的部分像莲蓬,有许多小孔

喷壶[pēn hú]
  1. 我跑去找来了橡胶软管,把喷壶装满水。

    I ran for the garden hose and filled the watering can .

  2. 我知道它是很著名的喷壶,okay。

    I 'm sure it 's a famous watering can , okay .

  3. 结果3%过氧化氢用普通喷壶喷雾后60min,平均细菌杀灭率仅为3.04%;

    RESULTS The average sterilization ratio , when we used 3 % hydrogen peroxide in an aerosol sprayer , was 87.31 % .

  4. 老天虽下雨,喷壶不可弃。

    Although is rain , throw not away thy watering pot .

  5. 汤米:你那喷壶去干什么?

    Tommy : Why do you hawe that watering can ?

  6. 把柠檬汁倒入喷壶中。

    Pour the lemon juice into the spray bottle .

  7. 喷壶,水果刀,2个柠檬,蒸馏白醋,水

    spray bottle , kitchen knife , 2 lemons , white distilled vinegar , water

  8. 向喷壶中加入醋和一杯水。

    Pour the vinegar into your spray bottle along with one cup of water .

  9. 尽可能使用喷壶让头发保持均匀的湿度。

    Use a watering can to let hair keep homogeneous humidity as far as possible .

  10. 打翻了一个喷壶。

    To overturn a watering can .

  11. 他手里拿着喷壶,津津有味地欣赏着花的漂亮,闻着花的芬芳。

    He takes his sprayer in his hand , appreciating their beauty and smelling their fragrance .

  12. 将柠檬切片,向喷壶中挤出一汤匙柠檬汁。

    Slice your lemon and squeeze out one tablespoon of lemon juice into your spray bottle .

  13. 使用没有莲蓬式喷嘴的喷壶,直接向土壤表面浇水。

    Use a watering can without a rose attachment , and apply directly to the soils surface .

  14. 快下雨的时候,或者也可以用喷壶洒水,将苔藓覆盖的区域撒上苏打晶体。

    Simply sprinkle the area with soda crystals when rain is expected , or alternatively , wet the area using a watering can .

  15. 在双方并重之下,每当夏季黄昏,他总提着一把绿漆白铁喷壶去浇他的花畦。

    And , without ever failing in these two respects , he watered his flower-beds every summer evening with a tin watering-pot painted green .

  16. 有的屋顶漏得像个喷壶,把东西全淋湿,忙着往出搬运,放在炉旁去烤,或搁在窗台上去晒。

    Yet others , whose roofs had leaked , were hastily moving out their soaked belongings to dry around the stove or to sun on the windowsill .

  17. 目的:观察二氧化氯消毒剂气溶胶喷雾和普通喷壶喷雾对医院门诊空气细菌杀灭效果。

    Objective : To know the effect of Chlorine Dioxide on air sterilization in the outpatient department in our district hospital by comparing aerosol sprayer with general sprayer .

  18. 向喷壶中加入醋,几乎加到喷壶顶端,然后向醋和柠檬的混合液中加满水,摇动喷壶。

    Pour the vinegar almost all the way to the top of the spray bottle . Top off the vinegar and lemon mixture with water and shake the bottle .

  19. 炎热和干燥的户外环境会使鲜花失去水份,因此,事先准备好小型喷壶非常必要。

    Protect young and delicate fresh flowers The blazing hot and dry outdoor atmosphere will make the fresh flowers forfeited aqua , therefore , in advance readying to small scaled shower is very necessary .