
pēn qì shì zhàn dòu jī
  • jet fighter;spitfire
  1. 这个工厂的工人建造F-16喷气式战斗机。

    Workers at the plant build the F-16 jet fighter .

  2. 喷气式战斗机、班机等斗牛起源于西班牙。

    A jet fighter , airliner , etc The bullfight originated in Spain .

  3. 两架喷气式战斗机被击落。

    Two jet fighters were downed

  4. J-20是中国的第四代喷气式战斗机,在2011年首飞。

    China 's fourth-generation fighter jet , the J-20 made its maiden flight in 2011 .

  5. F-22猛禽喷气式战斗机

    F-22 Raptor fighter jet

  6. 沙特阿拉伯将购买85架新的f-15喷气式战斗机,并对另外70架进行升级改造。

    Saudi Arabia will receive 85 new F-15 jet fighters and another 70 will be upgraded .

  7. 日本空中自卫队主要依靠F-4和F-15喷气式战斗机。

    Japan 's Air Self Defense Force primarily relies on F-4 and F-15 fighter jets .

  8. 中国的J-20是一款新式的、多用途的、攻击型隐形喷气式战斗机。这款战斗机就是设计用来对抗美国F-22的,而不是一款轰炸机。

    Chinese J-20 is a type of new multirole strike stealth fighter jet that was designed to counter american F-22 , not a type of bomber .

  9. 因为EADS可以轻易地对该工厂进行扩展或改装,使它可以支持EADS日益增长的防卫业务,比如用来生产欧洲直升机公司(Eurocopter)的攻击直升机,或是先进的喷气式战斗机和支援飞机等。

    Eads could easily expand or convert the future plant to support its growing defense businesses , like its popular Eurocopter attack helicopters or its cutting-edge jet fighters and support aircraft .

  10. 据推测这种隐形材料很可能被用于J-20喷气式战斗机,因为该喷气战斗机的首席工程师也是实验室的学术董事之一。

    It also indicated that the invisibility material is likely to be used on J-20 fighter jets because the jet 's chief engineer Yang Wei is also a member on the laboratory 's academic board .

  11. 布什政府说,它已同意把给巴基斯坦的反恐专用款项改而用于更新巴基斯坦老旧的F-16型喷气式战斗机。布什是巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼下周到访前发表以上讲话的。

    The Bush administration , in advance of next week 's Washington visit by Pakistani Prime Minister Yousef Raza Gilani , says it has agreed to shift aid money earmarked for counter-terrorism to an upgrade of Pakistan 's aging fleet of F-16 fighter jets .

  12. 我们见到了喷气式战斗机编队飞行的雄姿。

    We saw the imposing sight of jet fighters flying in formation .

  13. 澳大利亚将于1月份推出新型喷气式战斗机的样机。

    Australia will roll out the prototype of its new jet fighter in january .

  14. 同理,你可以使用喷气式战斗机来达到更壮观、复杂的场面。

    Again you could use the jet fighter for more exotic and complex scenes .

  15. 新蓝瑟的鲨鱼式前脸灵感来自于喷气式战斗机。

    The Lancer 's new " shark nosed " look was inspired by jet fighters .

  16. 滑跑中的喷气式战斗机的被动声时频特性

    Passive acoustic features of moving jet plane

  17. 印度在新建基础设施的同时,还在招标采购126架总价值约110亿美元的喷气式战斗机。

    The new infrastructure coincides with the selection of 126 jet fighters in a deal worth about $ 11bn .

  18. 这种新型战斗机的巡航速度为声速的两倍。喷气式战斗机、班机等

    The cruising speed of this new type of fighter is Mach two . a jet fighter , airliner , etc

  19. 然后回到得克萨斯加入空军国民警卫队,在那里学会驾驶喷气式战斗机。

    Then returned to Texas and joined the Texas Air National Guard , where he learned o fly fighter jets .

  20. 一队喷气式战斗机编队从头顶上方飞过,公众仰首观看。声音就是由山洞顶部的一个小孔里喷出的跌落到水潭中发出的。

    The crowd looked up as a squadron of jet-fighters flew past . shooting down into a pool from the roof of the cave .

  21. 就在那之后的一个月,中国的一架喷气式战斗机和美国的一架预警机在海南上空相撞,那导致中美两国国防联系中断很长一段时间。

    The next month , a Chinese jet fighter collided with a US surveillance plane over Hainan , rupturing US-China defence contacts for a while .

  22. 印度政府正在进行一系列军事硬件采购,包括组建一支价值高达200亿美元的新式多用途喷气式战斗机部队。

    New Delhi is making a range of military hardware purchases , including a new multi-role jet fighter strike force worth as much as $ 20bn .

  23. 46年来,凯茨一家焊接过许多东西:化肥罐、喷气式战斗机的零部件、奶酪模具,甚至还有一位农民的摔坏了的眼镜框。

    For 46 years , the Cates have welded many things - fertilizer tanks , jet-fighter parts , cheese molds , even a farmer 's broken glasses .

  24. 它由声音指令操作,使用与现代喷气式战斗机相同的平视显示器系统(前窗玻璃映像显示系统),并且把数据投射在挡风玻璃上。

    It was operated by voice commands and projected its data on to the windscreen , using the same sort of head-up display system found in modern fighter jets .

  25. 突然,据华盛顿邮报的话说,观众们看见一架小螺旋桨飞机嗡嗡飞来,身旁盘旋着一架光滑抢眼的喷气式战斗机。

    Suddenly , according to an account in The Washington Post , the crowd saw a little propeller plane buzzing along with a sleek fighter jet flying circles around it .

  26. 我们关注每一处细节,让喷气式战斗机更加节油,制造军火的原材料,以及它们对环境可能产生的影响。

    So everything from looking at making a fighter jet more fuel efficient to looking at the materials munitions are made of and what their impact on the environment would be .

  27. 从机械化步兵到护士,巴基斯坦武装部队的成员们游行经过穆沙拉夫总统和其他巴基斯坦政要。同时,喷气式战斗机在空中呼啸而过,这是巴基斯坦庆祝“巴基斯坦日”的场面。

    Members of the armed forces - from the mechanized infantry to nurses - paraded past President Pervez Musharraf and other dignitaries , while fighter jets screeched by overhead , as the country celebrated Pakistan Day .

  28. 尽管阴谋论者和飞碟爱好者一直以来都宣称并且希冀截获的飞碟和俘获的外星人就被关押在该区域,雅各布森称,秘密飞行器实际上是对截获的前苏联的米格喷气式战斗机的反向工程研究。

    While conspiracy theorists and UFO devotees have long claimed and hoped that captured alien spacecraft are housed at the base , Jacobsen claims the secret craft were actually reverse - engineered from a captured Soviet MiG fighter jet .

  29. 越南最近宣布,将从俄罗斯购买6艘基洛级潜艇和12架喷气式战斗机。缅甸也一直在购买俄罗斯战机。泰国也已拨款购买新战斗机,以重新装备其空军。

    Vietnam recently announced that it would buy six Kilo-class submarines and 12 fighter jets from Russia , Burma has been shopping for Russian combat aircraft and Thailand has allocated money to re-equip its air force with new fighters .