
shí mián fèi
  • asbestosis
  1. 尘肺的又一典型的大体损害,尤其石棉肺,引起纤维性胸膜斑。

    Another gross lesion typical for pneumoconioses , and asbestosis in particular , is a fibrous pleural plaque .

  2. 目的研究石棉肺的肺实质和胸膜病变的CT检查所见。

    Objective To study lung parenchymal and pleural changes in patients with asbestosis in their computerized tomography ( CT ) scanning .

  3. 偏相关分析结果显示,在控制了接尘年限和累积吸烟量等混杂因素的影响后,石棉肺期别与FVC、FEV1和FEV1/FVC%呈显著负相关,与Kco呈显著正相关(P<0·05);

    The partial correlation analysis revealed , after controlling the confounding variables such as pack-year of smoking , duration of asbestos exposure etc. , the category of asbestosis showed negative correlation with FVC , FEV_1 , FEV_1 / FVC % and positive correlation with Kco ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 165例石棉肺X线胸片表现分析

    An analysis of the thoracic roentgenological manifestations in 165 cases of asbestosis

  5. 石棉肺合并恶性胸膜间皮瘤1例

    A case of malignant pleural mesothelioma complicated by asbestosis

  6. 矽肺石棉肺煤工尘肺肺功能研究

    Studies on Pulmonary Functions of Silicosis , Asbestosis and Coal Workers ' Pneumoconiosis

  7. 256例高千伏胸片石棉肺不规则小阴影X线表现分析

    The analysis about 256 X-ray conducts of high kilovolt asbestosis irregular diminutive shade

  8. 石棉肺的病理诊断与分期

    On the pathological diagnosis and classification of asbestosis

  9. 实验性石棉肺病变中Ⅰ型及Ⅲ型胶原基因表达的研究

    The Study on Gene Expression of Type ⅰ and ⅲ Collagens During Experimental Asbestosis

  10. 50例石棉肺尸检的基本病理变化

    Basic Pathology of Asbestosis of 50 Autopsy Cases

  11. 石棉肺病例根据职业史及胸片诊断。

    Asbestosis cases were diagnosed on the basis of their chest radiographs and occupational history .

  12. 石棉肺并肺癌致纵隔疝引发上腔静脉受压综合征1例报告

    Compression syndrome of superior vena cava caused by mediastinal hernia stemed from asbestosis complicated with lung cancer

  13. 本文对大连地区165例各期石棉肺作了统计分析。

    A statistical analysis was made on the 165 cases of asbestosis of various periods in Dalian areas .

  14. 作者利用计算机图像分析系统对自然吸入染尘家犬石棉肺纤维化进行了检测。

    The fibrous tissue reaction induced by natural inhalation of asbestos dustin dogs was measured by Computerized Image Analyzer .

  15. 各类尘肺新发病例数以矽肺为首,石棉肺、铸工尘肺和电焊工尘肺次之。

    The cases of silicosis were ranking the first , with asbestosis , founder pneumoconiosis and welder pneumoconiosis followed .

  16. 肺尖部胸膜斑是石棉肺在放射学检查最常见和最具特异性的表现。

    Parietal pleural plaques are the most common manifestation , and the most characteristic radiographic feature , of asbestos exposure .

  17. 本文依据弥漫性纤维化的范围和严重度,提出了石棉肺的病理诊断标准和分期方案。

    A 3-stage grading scheme of asbestosis and its pathological diagnostic criteria are proposed on the basis of the extent and severity of diffuse fibrosis .

  18. 高表面活性使其可被用来治理环境污染,但也可对人体造成致命威胁,导致石棉肺并引发癌症。

    Its high face activities can on the one hand be utilized to control environmental pollution , but on the other hand bring about fatal threat to human beings by resulting in asbestos lung and cancers .

  19. 结果铸工尘肺、矽肺和石棉肺3种尘肺的肺区域性通气分布皆为两上肺区通气增加和两下肺区通气减少;

    Results The regional pulmonary ventilation of the three kinds of pneumoconiosis ( founder 's pneumoconiosis , silicosis and asbestosis ) was increased in both side of upper pulmonary region and decreased in both of lower pulmonary region .

  20. 结果发现,矽肺和石棉肺病人高于接尘工人,且随着病期的增高有递增趋势。

    The results showed that the levels of SMAO and SCP in patients with silicosis and asbestosis were higher than those in the dust exposed workers , moreover , SMAO and SCP were increased with the increase of category .

  21. 石棉肺及胸膜斑的形成与石棉纤维的机械性刺激有一定关系,肺癌的发生除与石棉纤维的机械性刺激有关外,还与石棉纤维表面吸附的强致癌物有关。

    The formation of asbestosis and pleura spot is related to the physical stimulation of asbestos fibers in some way ; the development of lung cancer results from not only the stimulation of asbestos fibers , but also the cancerigenic substances absorbed on the surface of the fibers .

  22. 本文报告9例石棉肺的尸检及活检材料,结合文献对石棉肺的发生、胸膜斑的形成及肺内外肿瘤的发生进行了讨论。

    This paper presents the autopsy and biopsy results of nine instances of asbestosis , and by referring to the recent literatures , also discusses the occurrence of asbestosis , the formation of pleura spot , as well as the development of tumor in and out of the lung .

  23. 石棉工人肺功能与X射线胸片变化关系的研究

    Study on Relationship between Pulmonary Function and Radiographic Changes in Asbestos Workers

  24. 蛋白激酶C抑制剂对温石棉诱导肺成纤维细胞增殖的影响

    Effect of protein kinase C ( PKC ) inhibitor on the proliferation of human embryonic pulmonary fibroblasts induced by chrysotile

  25. 蛋白激酶C信号通路在温石棉致肺成纤维细胞的细胞周期和凋亡改变中的作用

    The role of protein kinase C signal transduction pathways in the changes of both cell cycle and apoptosis of human embryonic pulmonary fibroblast induced by chrysotile

  26. [目的]探讨石棉工人肺弥散量(DL(CO))和残气功能动态变化特点。

    [ Objective ] To discuss the characteristic of dynamic changes of pulmonary diffusing capacity and residual volume function in asbestos workers .

  27. 目的探讨石棉工人肺功能与X射线胸片变化之间的关系,为早期发现石棉肺和对石棉肺患者肺代偿功能评价提供客观依据。

    Objective To explore the relationship between pulmonary function and radiographic changes and provide evidence for early detection of asbestosis and for assessment of pulmonary compensation function in asbestosis workers .

  28. 石棉工人肺功能5年前后比较

    A 5-Year Before-and After Comparison of Lung Function in Asbestos Workers

  29. 吸烟对石棉工人肺功能影响的动态研究

    Dynamic analysis of effect of smoking on pulmonary function of asbestos workers

  30. 石棉工人肺弥散量和■气功能的探讨

    An Investigation of Pulmonary Function with Special Reference to Diffusing Capacity in Asbestos Workers