
  • 网络Lycopsid;lycopodium;Lycophytina;lycopod
  1. 陕北中三叠世一种石松植物的大孢子研究

    Studies on the megaspores of a mid - triassic lycopsid in Shaanxi , china

  2. 在这段视频中,德国科学家点燃了一片石松属植物孢子。

    In this case , the scientist ignites a cloud of lycopodium spores .

  3. 石松属植物一种石松属植物,包括石松。

    A plant of the genus lycopodium , which includes the club mosses .

  4. 一种大部分为维管束植物石松属植物,通常与苔藓相似,通过孢子再生。

    Any of various mostly small vascular plants of the genus Lycopodium , often resembling mosses and reproducing by spores .

  5. 具有匍匐茎和竖立树枝的石松属植物。这种仪器易于缠在岩石的断块和树枝上。

    Any of several club mosses having long creeping stems and erect branches . These instruments are vulnerable to cable faults and snags .