
  • 网络forestry construction
  1. DA森林防火协同调查系统完善了森林防火系统,使森林防火外业调查更具实效性,提升森林防火外业调查地位,丰富了我国数字林业建设内容。

    PDA forest fire investigation system and improved coordination of forest fire prevention system , the field investigation of forest fire prevention is more effective , and enhance the status of forest fire prevention field investigation , enrich the content of digital forestry construction .

  2. 现代林业建设是林业发展方向的必然选择。

    Modern forestry construction was the necessary goal of forestry development .

  3. 同时还对湖南14个市州的森林碳汇及其经济价值分别进行了估算,并进一步对通过林业建设实现CO2减排进行了探讨。

    In addition the capacity of carbon sequestration of forest ecosystem and its economic value were estimated for each of the 14 municipalities in Hunan . Finally emission reduction of CO_2 through forest establishment was discussed .

  4. 2007年林业建设和经济发展的目标与任务是:营造林面积508万hm2,木材产量达10422万m3,实现林业产值10500亿元,主要林产品出口总额达540亿美元。

    The goal of forestry development is to afforest 5080 thousand hm2 , reaching 104.22 million m3 of timber and 105 million RMB of forestry output value , 54000 million dollars of import-output forest products .

  5. 鄱阳湖区林业建设的组织创新与制度创新

    Organization Innovations and Institution Innovations in Forestry in Po-yang Lake Region

  6. 石漠化综合治理中林业建设思路与内容探讨

    Forestry construction pathway and contents in rocky desertification comprehensive redintegration project

  7. 论林业建设与贫困山区可持续发展

    On Forestry Building and the Sustainable Development of Poverty-stricken Mountainous Areas

  8. 完善临朐县生态林业建设的建议与对策。

    Perfect Linqu County ecological forestry construction suggestions and countermeasures .

  9. 陕西省林业建设的问题与对策

    Achievements and existing issues in Shaanxi Forestry and corresponding solution

  10. 努力在生态林业建设中发挥林学会的作用

    On playing important role of provincial forestry society in ecological forestry development

  11. 相持阶段的林业建设工程质量监督

    Strengthening Quality Supervision of Forestry Projects in the Stalemating Stage

  12. 我国生态林业建设面临着严重的资金问题。

    The ecological forestry construction faced with serious fund scarcity .

  13. 贵州数字林业建设分析

    Construction and analysis of " digital forestry " of Guizhou

  14. 2004年全国林业建设与发展总体情况报告

    Summary Report of 2004 China 's Forestry Construction and Development

  15. 环洞庭湖城市群林业建设对策。

    The key of DongTing Lake Urban Agglomeration forestry building .

  16. 林业建设工程的环境预测与环境效益评估

    On environmental forecasting and environmental effect evaluation of forestry project

  17. 工作流技术在数字林业建设中的应用初探

    Research on the application of workflow to the development of digital forestry

  18. 发展人造板产业,促进林业建设

    Development of Wood-based Panel Industry and Forestry in China

  19. 天津市林业建设规划研究

    Study on Planning of Forestry Construction in Tianjin City

  20. 第一,加强林业建设,是改善生态环境的需要。

    First , strengthening forestry development is a must for improving ecological environment .

  21. 风沙危害区生态经济型林业建设问题研究

    Study on the Forestry Construction of Eco-Economic Type in the Wind-Sand Damage Area

  22. 湖南省生态林业建设发展方向及特征展望

    Outlook on the developing direction and characteristics of ecological forestry construction in Hunan

  23. 关于万安库区生态移民后生态林业建设的探讨

    Discussions about Ecological Forestry Construction after the Ecological Immigration of Wan'an Reservoir Area

  24. 城市林业建设管理体系的构成及要求

    Configuration and Demand of Urban Forestry Constructing Management System

  25. 祁连山北坡森林资源与林业建设

    Forest resource and forestry construction on the slope facing north of Qilian Mountain

  26. 现代理论与技术在林业建设工程中的应用

    Application of Modern Theory and Technique on Forestry Engineering

  27. 林业建设的战略性转变与森林培育理论和技术的变革

    Strategic Change of Forestry Construction and Reform of Forest Cultivation Theory and Technique

  28. 加强林业建设增加造纸用材

    Enhance Forestry Construction to Increase Wood Supply for Papermaking

  29. 延长林业建设高峰期保障森林资源数量扩张的持续性

    Maintaining High-speed Forestry Development Momentum and Ensuring Sustained Quantitative Increase of Forest Resources

  30. 三北地区生态林业建设与经济持续发展

    The Construction of Ecological Forestry and Sustainable Development of Economy in Three North Region