
  • 网络collophanite;collophane
  1. 应用ESCA研究SCO在胶磷矿和白云石表面的吸附特性

    Adsorption properties of SCO on the surfaces of collophane and dolomite by ESCA

  2. 充填浮选柱分选胶磷矿的工艺研究

    Study of processing technology for dressing collophane in packed flotation column

  3. 胶磷矿P2O5最低工业品位研究

    Research on minimum industrial tenor of p_2o_6 in phosphate rock

  4. X射线衍射结果表明:磷酸盐矿物中以胶磷矿为主、碳酸盐矿物主要以白云石为主、氧化物中以石英为主。

    The consequence of X-ray diffraction indicate : the majority of phosphate is collophanite , the majority of carbonate minerals is dolomite , the majority of oxide is quartz .

  5. 过去我国规定的胶磷矿(磷块岩)P2O5的最低工业品位为12%,边界品位为8%。

    In the past , the fixed minimum industrial tenor of P_2O in phosphate rock was 12 % , and the cut off grade of P_2O_5 was 8 % in China .

  6. 纯矿物浮选试验研究表明:在自然PH值时,TS对胶磷矿和白云石均有捕收作用,白云石的上浮率大于胶磷矿的上浮率。

    The results of flotation test of the pure mineral show that TS can collect cellophane and dolomite in natural PH and the floating power of dolomite is stronger than cellophane 's.

  7. 为磷矿石浮选所研制的TS药剂在弱酸性介质中能够反浮选胶磷矿,且价廉、无毒。

    The TS reagent developed for phosphorus ore flotation , with low price and less toxicity , can separate collophanite in a weak acid medium by reverse flotation .

  8. 从技术的可能性和经济上的合理性对胶磷矿P2O5最低工业品位问题进行了研讨,对合理开发与利用我国丰富的磷矿资源和发展我国的磷化工业,均有重大意义。

    In this paper , the technic feasibility and economic rationality of minimum industrial tenor of P_2O_5 in phosphate rock are discussed , which is important to develop and utilize the rich apatite ore resources and to develop phosphorus chemical industry .

  9. 中低品位胶磷矿的选矿研究

    A Study on Beneficiation of Middle - and Low-grade Collophane Ores

  10. 增效作用对胶磷矿浮选行为的影响

    Effects of a Synergism on the Flotation Performance of Phosphorite Ores

  11. 胶磷矿浮选新型抑制剂的研究

    A new type depressant for collophane flotation : a study

  12. 胶磷矿反浮选白云石研究及工业前景

    Reverse flotation of dolomite from collophane and its industrial prospects

  13. 浮选柱在云南胶磷矿选矿中的应用研究

    Application Research on collophanite of Yunan Beneficiation with flotation column

  14. 胶磷矿重介质分选工艺的研究与实践

    Research and practice of technology of heavy-media separation of collophane

  15. 磷酸盐分离胶磷矿和白云石的作用机理

    The Mechanism of Separation of Francolite and Dolomite with Phosphates as Depressants

  16. 茜素红-S影响胶磷矿和白云石分离机理的研究

    Study on separation mechanism of phosphate rock and dolomite with alizarin red modifier

  17. 充填静态浮选柱在胶磷矿浮选中的应用

    Study on the application of packed static flotation column in phosphate rock flotation

  18. 胶磷矿正反浮选尾水电化学处理利用研究

    Electrochemical treatment and utilization of tailing water from direct-reverse flotation of phosphate ores

  19. 胶磷矿无碱常温浮选工艺研究

    Alkali-free flotation of phosphorus ore under ambient temperature

  20. 油酸混合捕收剂浮选胶磷矿方解石研究

    A Study on the Flotation of Phosphate and Calcite with Mixed Oleic Acid Surfactants

  21. 利用浮选柱技术实现我国胶磷矿高效分选有良好的前景。

    There is a well prospect of high-efficient cellophane separation by using column floatation technology .

  22. 一种表面活性物质在胶磷矿脱硅反浮选中的应用研究

    Application of a surface-active substance in the reverse flotation of silicate removal out of collophanite

  23. 海绿石、碳酸盐骨骸碎屑、海相化石和胶磷矿普遍出现。

    Glauconite , detrital carbonate skeletal debris , marine fossils , and collophane are commonly present .

  24. 为了解决胶磷矿正&反浮选尾矿水的污染和回用问题,采用了电化学处理方法。

    A electrochemical treatment is made in handling pollution and recycling of tailing water from a direct-reverse flotation of phosphate ores .

  25. 根据滇池地区晋宁、昆阳、海口中低品位胶磷矿的矿物特性,确定以重浮联合流程选别中低品位胶磷矿。

    According to the mineral characteristics of mid-low grade phosphate rock in Jinning , Kunyang , Haikou areas , the gravity-flotation complex process was selected .

  26. 在一定程度上提高搅拌速度有利于胶磷矿的分散,但过分提高则无益。

    And the collophanite was better dispersed by improving the stirring speed to be a certain extent , but more stirring had no benefit on the dispersion .

  27. 扫描电镜结果表明:胶磷矿是该矿石中主要的矿物,其他矿物有白云石、石英、粘土类矿物等。

    The result of scanning electron microscopy showed that the majority mineral of phosphate is collophanite , the other mineral is dolomite 、 quartz 、 clay mineral and so on .

  28. 山西某铁矿主要铁矿物为褐铁矿和赤铁矿,脉石矿物主要为铝土矿、高岭石、云母、胶磷矿等。

    Iron minerals in an iron ore of Shanxi are mainly limonite and hematite , and gangue minerals are mainly bauxite , kaolinite , mica , phosphate rock and so on .

  29. 双反浮选流程由于使用了阳离子胺类捕收剂,一定程度上克服了胶磷矿常规浮选需要加温的缺点,并且药剂成本较低。

    Due to the use of amine collector , the double reverse floatation flow had overcome the shortage of heating in the routine floatation of phosphorus , and its drug cost was relatively low .

  30. 胶磷矿中有用矿物颗粒细、矿物嵌布紧密、有害杂质较多,导致浮选入料微细粒含量高、泥化程度高,恶化了分选环境,使浮选过程受到干扰。

    Useful minerals of fine particles , distribution of tightness , and lots detrimental impurities lead to high content of fine particles and argillization , which deteriorate the separation environment and disturb the floatation process .