
jiāo zhuó zhuànɡ tài
  • stalemate;deadlock;impasse
  1. 我国铁路改革已取得了一定进展,然而继续深化却面临诸多难题,行业属性定位的模糊成为铁路改革长期处于胶着状态的深层原因。

    Although reform has already made some progress , further steps are confronted with many difficulties , and the fuzzy positioning of railway attribute is the deep reason leading to the long-term stalemate of reform .

  2. 战争进入胶着状态。

    The war has become stalemated .

  3. 两人几个月来一直处于胶着状态。

    They have been stuck there for several months .

  4. 弗吉尼亚州的失利,以及北卡罗来纳州的胶着状态意味着共和党在南部的阵营正在瓦解。

    The loss in Virginia , and a nail-biter in North Carolina yet to be decided , mean the Republican hold on the South is cracking .

  5. 麦凯恩已经获得共和党总统候选人提名,而他的两个民主党对手在竞争本党总统候选人提名的长期选战中仍然处于胶着状态。

    McCain has already clinched the Republican presidential nomination , while his two Democratic rivals remain locked in an extended battle to be their party 's candidate for the White House in November .

  6. 传统文化中的等级意识与现实的差等社会结构之胶着状态构成了中国封建社会的漫长历史,其间平等一直处于被压抑状态。

    Chinese feudal history was characterized and in part sustained by the collaboration between the class-consciousness of cultural tradition and the social hierarchy in reality , which colluded to suppress the demand for equality .

  7. 上个月,在总统竞选处在胶着状态时,《华盛顿邮报》报道了特朗普慈善基金会有超过25万美元的资金被用于解决法律纠纷。

    Last month , in the heat of the presidential campaign , The Washington Post reported that more than a quarter of a million dollars from Mr Trump 's charity had been used to settle legal disputes .

  8. 在写意性上,一方面表现为对传统工笔人物画自由地汲取,另一方面也表现为对其他画种有节制地融合,目的是在传统与现代的对立胶着状态中寻找建构的可能方式。

    On the one hand , freehand spirit draws lessons from traditional meticulous portrait paintings freely . On the other hand , it merges the other kinds of painting abstemious . Its aim is to find the possible way of construction in the opposition between tradition and modernity .