
  • 网络visceral muscle
  1. 报道了10羽鸡、8头猪内脏器官、骨胳肌、脂肪组织中生育酚(Toc)、脂肪和高级不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)的分析结果;

    This paper reported the content of tocopherols ( Toc ), lipids and polyunsaturated fatty acids ( PUFA ) in the internal organs . Skeletal muscle and adipose tissues of 10 chickens , 8 pigs .

  2. 结论小鼠旋毛虫急性感染后8周肠道炎症消退,但内脏敏感性和结肠肌条高收缩性维持增高,因此适合作为感染后肠易激综合征内脏高敏感动物模型。

    Conclusion The intestinal inflammation in mice dissipated 8 weeks after Trichinella spiralis infection . However , visceral hypersensitivity and colonic muscle hypercontractility remained . Therefore , those mice were suitable for models of visceral hypersensitivity imitating patients with post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome .