
luǒ lù
  • exposed;bare;naked;nudity;uncovered
裸露 [luǒ lù]
  • [bare;naked;uncovered;exposed] 露在外头;没有东西遮盖

  • 裸露在地面上的煤层

裸露[luǒ lù]
  1. 在那山谷里,地质学家发现了许多裸露的化石

    The geologist found many uncovered fossils in the valley .

  2. 结果表明,全厂断电事故发生后,大约1~2h堆芯上部会裸露,压力容器在5~7h后失效。

    The results show that the top of core will be uncovered about 1 ~ 2 hours later , and the reactor pressure vessel will fail after 5 ~ 7 hours .

  3. 他用力扯去了地毯,只剩下裸露的地板。

    He had ripped up the carpet , leaving only the bare boards .

  4. 在裸露的山坡上庄稼没法生长。

    The crops will not grow on exposed hillsides .

  5. 有些裸露场面被认为太过火了,不适合在百老汇上演。

    Some of the nude scenes were regarded as too hot for Broadway .

  6. 小屋的橡木梁裸露着。

    The cottage had exposed oak beams .

  7. 裸露的金属上被喷上了几层底漆。

    The bare metal was sprayed with several coats of primer .

  8. 裸露的伤口很招苍蝇。

    Open wounds act like a magnet to flies .

  9. 房间里有裸露的明火时,不要让孩子独处其中。

    Don 't leave a child alone in a room with an open fire .

  10. 裸露的灯泡正好在他的头顶上方。

    The naked bulb was directly over his head

  11. 如果你在公共场所裸露上身,这种事情一定会发生。

    If you are topless in a public place , this sort of thing is bound to happen .

  12. 她穿着一件低领连衣裙,手臂裸露。

    She wore a low-necked dress , and her arms were bare .

  13. 卧室里地板裸露,没有铺地毯。

    There 's no carpet in the bedroom , just bare floorboards .

  14. 她裸露的肩膀被太阳晒黑了。

    Her bare shoulders were burned by the sun .

  15. 如果裸露的电线相互接触,就会发生短路现象。

    If the exposed wires contact , we shall have a short circuit .

  16. 裸露潮间带表观CO2通量的变化规律

    The Variety of the Apparent CO_2 Flux in the Bare Intertidal Zone

  17. 在Diesel的一张海报上,一个裸露着胸膛的男子将头放在一个女子的大腿上,乞求一杯水。

    Diesel has a bare-chested man with his head on a woman 's lap , begging for a glass of water .

  18. 质粒DNA有重要的基因调节性能,直接注射裸露或用脂质体包埋的质粒DNA常需要大量的质粒DNA。

    Plasmid DNA has important function of gene regulation , direct injection of naked or Lipid - coated plasmid DNA often requires considerable amount of plasmid DNA .

  19. 她推开他的手,把煮水的锅撞歪了,热浪翻到了John裸露的手腕上。

    She pushed his hand out of the way , causing the pot to lurch and send one boiling wave cresting onto John 's exposed wrist .

  20. 方法采用竞争性RT-PCR定量检测基因启动子活性的方法,研究染色质模板的体外组装,并比较染色质模板与裸露DNA模板上基因的转录活性。

    Methods A competitive RT-PCR-based technique was used to quantify the promoter activity of hsp90 α gene on chromatin or naked DNA templates in vitro .

  21. 同期滞育的裸露幼虫SOD、CAT和POD酶活性较结茧幼虫略高,但二者的酶活性没有显著的差异性。

    There was not a significant difference of SOD , POD and CAT activity between no-cocooned larvae and cocooned larvae at the same diapause stage .

  22. LeRicher与巴黎诸多现代风格的咖啡屋大同小异——配备着上世纪60年代风格的椅子、裸露的石墙因挂有镜子而显得蓬荜生辉,透过飘窗可眺望右岸地区(RightBank)的寻常街道。

    Le Richer looks like dozens of other modernised Paris caf é s , with 1960s-style chairs , exposed stone walls brightened with mirrors , and bay windows looking on to an unremarkable Right Bank street .

  23. 全N量和速效N量分别为0.33%和52.95mg·kg-1,分别比裸露矸石山高出43.5%和20.8%。

    Total N and available N content in Locust woodland ( 0.33 % and 52.95 mg · kg - 1 ) was 43.5 % and 20.8 % higher than that of bare areas respectively .

  24. 3种植物群落下有效磷较裸露尾矿没有显著增加。植物的定居显著提高了尾矿中过氧化氢酶、芳基硫脂酶和脲酶的活性(P0.05);

    The establishment of plant communities also increased the catalase , arylsulfatase and urase activities of the tailings significantly ( P0.05 ), but the activities of acid phosphomonoesterase and dehydrogenase did not increased significantly .

  25. “eco”的根本意思是“家”。裸露的生物圈就是家,我们从这个家里来也在这个家里生存。

    The root meaning of " eco " is " home ", and the revealed ecosphere is the home-sphere from which all life came and in which all life exists .

  26. Ts较低时(750&820℃),PETEOS氧化硅区域成核密度远小于裸露硅表面;

    If the substrate temperature Ts is low ( 750 ℃ - 820 ℃), the nucleation density on the SiO2 Mask area is much smaller than that on th Si surface .

  27. 本次赛事采用的赛车都是裸露式驾驶舱及轮胎的欧式赛车,而不是NASCAR的美式赛车。

    The cars are open-cockpit , open-wheel , like European race cars , not like the autos in NASCAR .

  28. 开垦3年裸露地与林地相比,浅沟沟槽深度增加40~60cm;

    Compared reclaimed land after reclaimed 3 years with forest land , gully trough depth of shallow gully increases 40 ~ 60cm .

  29. 他们在卢森堡的住所,装饰着漂亮的裸露横梁,附带一间阁楼;而在爱沙尼亚塔林(Tallinn)的寓所,带有一间桑拿浴室。

    Their home in Luxembourg had beautiful exposed beams and a loft ; their apartment in Tallinn , Estonia , had a sauna .

  30. 角分辨XPS全谱扫描结果表明所有样品的金膜覆盖率都较高,裸露区域最大线宽不大于10nm。

    Angle-resolved XPS survey spectra show that all the prepared specimens have fairly high area coverage of gold films and the maximum length of naked area is not larger than 10 nm .