
  • 网络Maybe You Will
  1. 也许你会发现,我这个人很随和。

    " Maybe you will find out that I " m easy to approach .

  2. 也许你会疑惑晴天有什么好高兴的。

    Maybe you will be puzzled why I 'm so happy about the sunny day .

  3. “有一天也许你会再结婚的。”“这句话真中听啊,难得你能这么说!”

    ' In time perhaps you 'll marry again ' . ' That 's a great line , coming from you ! ' .

  4. 也许你会和你最好的朋友一起散步。

    Perhaps you would take a walk with your best friend .

  5. 是的,也许你会在一个陌生的地方吃一顿糟糕的饭菜。

    Yes , maybe you 'll experience a bad meal in an unfamiliar place .

  6. 但如果当地对购房出租来说并不理想,也许你会想转战到能为房东带来最佳收益的地区购房。

    But if your local area is not ideal for buy-to-let , you might wish to look to those towns and cities that generally produce the best income for landlords .

  7. 如果你在旧金山湾区驾驶柴油车,也许你会注意到propel燃料站与以往有所不同。

    If you drive a diesel vehicle in the bay area , you may have noticed something a little different at your propel fuels station .

  8. 也许你会觉得这很浪漫,但自从上周这张专辑中一首歌的MV公布之后,这位当红歌手就被媒体称为令人毛骨悚然的骚扰跟踪狂。

    How romantic , you might say . But since the music video of a song on the album was released last week , the superstar has been called creepy and stalker-ish by the media .

  9. 也许你会反驳说,微软过去曾抄袭了Netscape的创意并将其打败,但是:(1)Netscape仍以42亿美元的价格被美国在线收购;(2)微软针对Netscape的行为成为联邦政府大规模反垄断调查的组成部分。

    Maybe you could argue that Microsoft copied and defeated Netscape back in the day , but : ( 1 ) Netscape still got acquired by $ 4.2 billion by AOL , and ( 2 ) Microsoft 's actions vs. Netscape became part of the federal government 's massive antitrust case .

  10. 也许你会始终不渝地爱一个人,或者被人爱。

    You may unswervingly love or be loved by a person .

  11. 也许你会发现至少要对付13个人。

    Maybe you 'd know about thirteen less to deal with .

  12. 也许你会希望同指导设计师合作。

    Maybe you 'll want to collaborate with an instructional designer .

  13. 本周也许你会希望在你的家庭环境中做出些改变。

    You may want to make changes in your home environment .

  14. 也许你会觉得取得这一切都是她的家庭的原因。

    You may think Selena got all this from her family .

  15. 也许你会梦见治疗晚期脑癌的灵丹妙药。

    Maybe you 'll dream the cure to late-stage brain cancer .

  16. 当你不信是也许你会清醒!

    When you stop believing it you might wake up !

  17. 也许你会问:为什么蜘蛛会是我们的朋友呢?

    Why , you may wonder , should spiders be our friends ?

  18. 我们会谈谈,也许你会简单点得到你的想法。

    We w Tak and maybe you ; get your thoughts straght .

  19. 微笑吧,明天也许你会发现生命仍值得去珍惜

    You 'll find the life is still worthwhile if you 'll just

  20. 也许你会被任命为外交官,到一些很酷的国家。

    Maybe you 'll get made ambassador to somewhere cool .

  21. 尝尝这种果汁,也许你会喜欢它。

    Try some of this juice & perhaps you 'll like it .

  22. 我想也许你会想回学校念书。

    I thought maybe you 'd like to go back to school .

  23. 珍妮:也许你会认为我是一个堕落的女人。

    Headmistress : Huh , you are not a woman .

  24. 也许你会喜欢焙蚝?

    Perhaps you 'd like to have some scalloped oysters ?

  25. 也许你会不喜欢我因为我很夸张。

    Maybe you might not like me because I am too funny .

  26. 也许你会觉得,第二幕更吸引人。

    Perhaps you will find the second act more appealing .

  27. 劳勃也许你会做好事。

    Robert , I wonder if perhaps you would be good enough .

  28. 罗宾逊医生提醒过我也许你会这么想

    Dr. Robinson warned me you may feel this way ...

  29. 也许你会说白粉是我们家的诅咒。

    You might say white powder is the family curse .

  30. 今天也许你会感到昏昏沉沉且枯燥感迎面而来。

    You may find that you are feeling dull and lackluster today .