
  • 网络Peninsula City News
  1. 《半岛都市报》品牌工程建设存在的不足,如媒介体制不完善、盈利形式单一、媒介成分单纯、新技术利用不足等。

    Such as the incomplete of the media system the single earnings form , simple media element , the insufficiency of the use of new technologies .

  2. 该校王老师接受青岛半岛都市报采访时表示,最近发现,班里有八个孩子常聚在一起窃窃私语,讨论这件事。

    Qingdao-based Peninsula Metropolis Daily reported that a teacher , surnamed Wang , found eight of her students were holding secretive meetings to discuss the issue .

  3. 通过笔者全程参与的半岛都市报信息化改造流程,笔者认为,在媒体的信息化改造过程首先是管理改革,然后才是技术改进,这两者是相互促进、相互依存的。

    Through fully involved in the process of the informatization reformation in the media of the peninsula metropolis daily , the author thinks that management reformation is first step in the modification process and next step is technology improvement . They are mutual promotion and interdependent .