
  • 网络mural art
  1. 本文试图通过对东西方从原始社会到现代社会不同时期壁画艺术的分析,从壁画对人的生活关注程度、对人的价值观和人性的表现程度来说明壁画艺术的发展历程及其人文内涵。

    This thesis attempts to analyze the eastern and western mural arts from primitive society to modern society from the perspectives of the concern with human beings and the human values and humanity demonstrated in these mural paintings .

  2. 因此以壁画艺术未来发展方向为导向,结合特定环境的历史背景、地域文化、民族风情等进行壁画创作,对建设更加人性化的城市公共空间环境具有极为重要的指导意义。

    So that take the future direction of mural arts as orientation , combine with historical background in specific environment , geographical and cultural and ethnic customs to create mural painting , has extremely important significance on building a more humane urban public space environment .

  3. 城市公共环境中的壁画艺术研究

    The Research of the Mural Art in the City Public Environment

  4. 亚述浮雕壁画艺术语言探究及其价值借鉴

    Research on Artistic Language and Reference Value of Assyrian Relief Frescoes

  5. 试析壁画艺术在现代社会环境中的地位与作用

    An Analysis of Fresco 's Status and Function in Social Environment

  6. 如何使壁画艺术具有公共性?

    How to make mural art have the public characteristic ?

  7. 现代建筑壁画艺术创作谈

    The Creative View about the Art of Modern Architectural Fresco

  8. 从公共壁画艺术看大众审美教育功能的体现

    The Manifestation of Public Aesthetic Education in View of Public Mural Art

  9. 敦煌壁画艺术的美学特征

    The Esthetics Feature of Murals of the Dunhuang Art

  10. 敦煌石窟壁画艺术包罗万象,是一部形象的历史。

    Dunhuang Grottoes is a history showing with image , including abundant subjects .

  11. 新媒体语境下壁画艺术的数字化表达

    Digital Expression of Mural Art in New Media Context

  12. 本篇文章就是着重探讨环境艺术与壁画艺术装饰之间的关系。

    The paper mainly deals with the relationship between mural painting and environment .

  13. 在虔诚安静中抉择&文艺复兴时期画家安吉利科的壁画艺术

    Choosing in the Pious Quietness - The Art of the Renaissance Painter Angelico

  14. 中国古代游牧民族文化与敦煌石窟壁画艺术

    Chinese ancient nomadic nation 's culture and the Dunhuang Caves ' murals art

  15. 这种重要作用主要表现在壁画艺术对环境空间的视觉效应和心理效应两个方面。

    The important effect is mainly shown in visual effect and psychical effect .

  16. 壁画艺术是一个民族的情感、经验和智慧的象征。

    Mural art is a national symbol of emotion , experience and wisdom .

  17. 包罗万象的敦煌石窟壁画艺术

    An Introduction to Mural Art s of Dunhuang Grottoes

  18. 谈公共艺术中壁画艺术的发展

    On the Development of Mural Painting in Public Arts

  19. 敦煌壁画艺术的生存:一种媒介发展观的视角

    The Existence of Dunhuang Frescos Art : a perspective of a media development view

  20. 论壁画艺术的人文内涵省识

    On the Humanistic Content Inspection of Mural Art

  21. 我国现代壁画艺术的魅力

    The Artistic Charm of Modern Chinese Mural Paintings

  22. 现代壁画艺术的创作环境主要是城市。

    Its main creative environment is the urban .

  23. 现代壁画艺术中的材质之美

    Beauty Material Features of Modern Mural Art

  24. 壁画艺术相对于城市公共空间的重要性也体现于此。

    The importance of mural art in relation to urban public space is also reflected here .

  25. 壁画艺术在城市公共空间环境之中的作用是独特的,不可缺少的。

    As an necessary component of urban public space , mural art is unique and dispensable .

  26. 三者之间的关系;壁画艺术与建筑空间

    Relationship between Fresco and Architectural Space

  27. 壁画艺术的思考与实践

    Thinking and Practice in Mural Art

  28. 色釉的运用能够充分体现陶瓷壁画艺术的艺术美和科学美。

    The application of glaze can fully express the scientific beauty and art beauty of ceramic mural .

  29. 壁画艺术的形态

    The Pattern of Murals Art

  30. 莫高窟北朝时期的石窟,从窟形到壁画艺术深受克孜尔石窟的影响。

    The grotto shape and mural art of the latter are under the influence of the former .