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bì guà
  • hanging
壁挂 [bì guà]
  • [hanging] 悬挂在墙上的工艺美术品

壁挂[bì guà]
  1. 室内装饰小品(八)&现代壁挂

    Works of interior decoration ( 8 ) & Modern wall hanging

  2. 公司主要经营精彩壁挂水族产品。

    The company mainly engaged in wonderful wall hanging aquarium products .

  3. 采购产品垂饰,枕头,壁挂,表亚军,钟

    Tassels and Trimmings , Pillows , Wall Hangings , Table Runners , Bell .

  4. 基于自适应PID控制算法的壁挂式锅炉控制软件开发

    The Development of the Control Software of the Wall-mounted Gas Boiler Based on the Adaptive PID Control

  5. 他们有一个紧凑的金属外壳,可都在DIN导轨和壁挂式。

    They have a compact metal housing and can be mounted both on DIN rails and on the wall .

  6. 燃气壁挂Combi的市场扫描与投资分析

    Market Scanning and Investment Analysis of Gas Fire Wall-hang Combi Stove

  7. 尤其是电力缴费终端产品分手持式、台式、无人值守壁挂式,有刷卡、打印、GPRS通信、IC卡读写(含PSAM、IC卡、SIM)等功能。

    In particular , the power sub-portable payment terminals , desktop , unmanned wall , there are credit card , printing , GPRS , IC-card read-write ( with PSAM , IC cards , SIM ) functions .

  8. 作为新一代显示器件,OLED在手机、个人电子助理、数码相机、车载显示、笔记本电脑、壁挂电视以及军事领域都具有广阔的应用前景。

    As a new generation of display devices , OLED will be widely applied in the field of the cell phone , PDA , digital cameras , car show , notebook computers , wall-hanging television , as well as military .

  9. 在凤凰城一家办公家具经销商GoodmansInteriorStructures任办公空间策略师的斯蒂芬妮?范杰(StephanieFanger)指出,相对于女性,男性会将更多空间用来摆在科技设备,他们更愿意添加壁挂来放置多台台式电脑和平板电脑。

    Stephanie Fanger , a workplace strategist with Goodmans Interior Structures , a Phoenix office furniture dealer , says men devote more space than women to tech gear , adding elaborate wall mounts for multiple computers and tablets .

  10. 壁挂式臭氧空气消毒器杀菌效果的实验观察

    Experimental observation on bactericidal efficacy of wall-hanging type ozone air disinfector

  11. 浅谈建筑室内环境中的壁挂艺术创作

    Elementary introduction to the tapestry art creation of the indoor environment

  12. 如何选择户式空调系统中的燃气壁挂炉

    Selection of Gas Heater Hanging on Wall in Household Air-conditioning System

  13. 宾馆室内生态壁挂式空气清新净化系统

    The Application of Bio-hanging System for Indoor Air Purification in Hotels

  14. 从绘画艺术的附属品走向独立的现代壁挂艺术

    From the Art of Painting Accessories Wall to Separate Modern Art

  15. 一种新型阳台壁挂太阳能&空气源复合热泵系统

    A new solar-air compound source heating pump system hanging on balcony

  16. 论纤维壁挂艺术的传承、创新与发展

    On the Fiber Wall Art Tradition , Innovation and Development

  17. 壁挂空调器面板注射模设计及制造

    Design and Manufacture of Injection Mold for Hanging Air-Conditioner Face-Plate

  18. 燃气壁挂炉气流分配室的优化设计

    Optimization Design of Gas Distribution Chamber in Wall-mounted Gas Boiler

  19. 这个构思新颖的竹质手绣壁挂怎么样?

    How about this hand-embroidered tapestry with a new design of bamboo ?

  20. 氧化模块除甲醛技术在壁挂式空调上的技术研究

    Oxygenation module eliminate formaldehyde technique applied on wall-mounted split type air conditioner

  21. 易拆卸、易清洁技术在分体壁挂式空调器上的应用

    The Easy to disassemble and Clear Technique Application in Split Type Air-conditioner

  22. 设计与生活相渗透空间与色彩筑情怀&谈壁挂艺术在现代生活中的作为

    Design and Life Infiltrate Each Other , Space and Colour Influence Feelings

  23. 三位一体燃气壁挂空调技术方案探讨盘形井壁衬管悬挂器

    Technical Scheme of Trinity Gas Wall-hanging Air Conditioner disk wall liner hanger

  24. 壁挂燃气锅炉的控制与安全装置

    Control and Safety Device of Wall - mounted Gas Boiler

  25. 壁挂锅炉检测自动配气装置设计

    Design of automatic mixture equipment for testing wall-hung gas boiler

  26. 燃气壁挂炉的好伴侣&真空相变散热器

    Good companion of the gas-burning hanging stove-The vacuum is turned into the radiator

  27. 燃气壁挂锅炉选择及采暖系统设计的探讨

    Discussion on selecting wall-hanged gas-boiler and designing heating system

  28. 家用燃气壁挂式采暖/热水两用炉的技术分析

    Technical Analysis of Domestic wall-mounted Gas Boiler for Heating or Hot Water Supply

  29. 分户燃气壁挂炉供热的经济分析

    Economic Analysis on Individual Heat-supply with Wall-mounted Gas Boiler

  30. 这些壁挂织物,有着令人兴奋的色彩和完全不同的异国情调。

    These tapestries are in exciting colours and with an entirely exotic atmosphere .