
hǎi luó
  • conch;whelk;sea snail
海螺 [hǎi luó]
  • (1) [sea snail]∶有螺旋壳的、匍匐性海洋腹足类软体动物(如峨螺,梭尾螺或月壳螺)

  • (2) [conch]∶各种不同的大的螺旋贝壳的海洋腹足类软体动物的任何一种;尤指北美及西印度沿南大西洋的风螺属和冠螺属的任何成员

海螺[hǎi luó]
  1. 以上海汽车股价时间序列和海螺型材股价时间序列为实证,运用所提出的方法,建立了最为合理的ARCH模型,并做出短期预测。

    We take Shanghai Automotive and Conch Profiles stock price time series profiles to make empirical analysis , use the above method to set up the most reasonable ARCH model , and make short-term predictions .

  2. 介绍了安徽海螺集团铜陵2条万吨生产线(A线和B线)矿区相邻的伞形山和敕山的地质概况和矿区现状,详细介绍了A,B线矿山扩建整体设计方案。

    Anhui Conch Group has two ten-thousand-ton production lines in Tongling & A and B line , the state and geology of their raw material mine of two neighbouring hills are introduced . And the holistic design scheme of A and B production line is introduced in detail .

  3. 这种染料比海螺染料便宜得多。

    The dye was much cheaper than sea snail dye .

  4. 用MATLAB实现三维模拟海螺模型

    The Simulation of Three-dimentional Whelk Model by Using MATLAB

  5. 织纹螺毒力消长及其栖息地环境影响的调查用MATLAB实现三维模拟海螺模型

    Investigation on the Changing of Toxicity of Basket Whelk and Influence on its Living Environment The Simulation of Three-dimentional Whelk Model by Using MATLAB

  6. 除了海螺共和国(ConchRepublic)海滩,基韦斯特还有很多艺术画廊、一个蝴蝶与自然温室、你能想到的所有水上运动,当然还有疯狂的夜生活。

    Beyond the Conch Republic beaches , Key West has art galleries galore , a butterfly and nature conservatory , every water sport imaginable and , of course , a crazy night life .

  7. 铜陵海螺2×10000t蛐d水泥熟料生产线上采用了许多本行业体型最大或最大体型的组合及其它行业从未出现的特种结构。

    Two 10 000 t / d clinker lines of Tongling Conch adopted not only many largest bulk or largest combination bulk in cement industry , but also special structure which never been used in other industry . Among them the ?

  8. 铜陵海螺10000t/d生产线的Combi推动篦式冷却机是世界上最大规格的篦式冷却机之一,该篦冷机采用了新型控制流冷却技术,综合生产效果好。

    Combi reciprocating grate cooler of Tongling Conch Croup 10 000 t / d clinker production line is one of the largest grate coolers in the world . New current control technology is adopted in the grate cooler , and good general production effect is gained .

  9. 全国最大的水泥集团&海螺水泥集团;

    The largest cement producer in china & Hailuo Cement Group ;

  10. 我还得去后面吃海螺沙拉。

    I got a conch salad going bad in the back .

  11. 罗杰拿起海螺,神色沮丧地环顾着大伙儿。

    Roger took the conch and looked round at them gloomily .

  12. 其实为了听到这种声响,你用不着专门找一只海螺来。

    You don 't even need the seashell to hear the noise .

  13. 池州海螺国产化5000t/d工程工艺设计

    5000t / d Process Engineering of Chizhou Conch Cement Plant

  14. 海螺沟:一边是冰川一边是温泉

    Whelk village : one side is glacier , the other is hotspring

  15. 枞阳海螺水泥股份有限公司10000t/d水泥熟料生产线设计

    A 10000t / d Cement Clinker Production Line Design for Zongyang Conch Cement

  16. 海螺被砸成无数白色的碎片,不复存在了。

    The conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist .

  17. 杰克在他们当中鼓噪着,也不记得海螺了。

    Jack clamoured among them , the conch forgotten .

  18. 为什么海螺没有入围世界水泥6强?

    Why did not conch enter the ranking of top6 world cement companies ?

  19. 海螺笼设计与试验研究

    The design and research on the cage of conch

  20. 海螺沟冰川成因浅析

    Preliminary analysis of origin of Hai Luo ditch glacier

  21. 佛罗里达群岛上吹海螺的传统已经流传了好几代人了。

    Conch shell blowing has been practiced in the Florida Keys for generations .

  22. 吹海螺能发出深沉的声音。

    If you blow into a conch , it produces a deep sound .

  23. 这些海螺外壳看上去像被打磨成珠子的样子,所以显得十分罕见。

    The shells are peculiar because they seem to have been fashioned into beads .

  24. 听过海螺刺耳的声音后,他那平常的讲话再听起来就象是悄声细雨。

    His ordinary voice sounded like a whisper after the harsh note of the conch .

  25. 你远离国门,请带上我赠送的海螺。

    Please take the conch Igive you .

  26. 月亮蜗牛是一种生活在黄海浅海的海螺。

    Moon snail is one of the relatives of whelk living in the shallow Yellow sea .

  27. 海螺的一个大型变种。

    A large variety of conch .

  28. 海螺模式的启示

    Enlightenment From Conch Group Mode

  29. 它的主要名菜有糖醋鲤鱼、红烧海螺、荷花大虾等。

    Famous Shandong dishes include sweet-and-sour carp , braised conch in soy sauce and lotus flower prawns .

  30. 海螺集团宁国水泥厂供应物流管理现状与对策研究

    Research on Present Situation and Countermeasure of Supply Logistics Management for Ningguo Cement Plant of Conch Group