
chú tou
  • hoe;pick;pickax;jembe
锄头 [chú tou]
  • [hoe;pickax;pick] 〈方〉 ∶锄

锄头[chú tou]
  1. 推拉兼有使用的锄头。

    A hoe that is used by pushing rather than pulling .

  2. 再使用锄头用土壤把种子盖住。

    Using a hoe , gently cover the seeds with soil .

  3. 他正在用锄头给花坛锄草。

    He is hoeing the flowerbeds .

  4. 他在用刀削树枝做一把锄头柄。

    He is whittling down the branch with a knife to make a handle for his hoe .

  5. 米格尔立马接过手,他把Mani轻轻推至一旁,然后跪在泡沫垫子上,用匕首样锄头猛铲土壤,以松动土中石头,再交替用手清理掉泥土。

    Miguel takes over . Gently pushing Mani aside he kneels on his foam hassock and jabs the soil with a dagger-like pick to loosen the stones , alternating with brushing movements of the hand .

  6. 蛇并没有什么明显的反应,只是对着锄头咬了一口。

    The snake wasn 't impressed . It struck the hoe .

  7. 我看到小扬扛着两把锄头从旁走过。

    I saw Xiao Yang walking by , shouldering two hoes .

  8. 有些非洲农民现在用犁,而不用锄头。

    Some African farmers now use ploughs instead of hoes .

  9. 这位老农民肩扛锄头朝田里走去。

    The old farmer walked towards the field , hoe on shoulder .

  10. 他们又扛起锄头,走向田野,开始工作了。

    They also carry a hoe into the field to begin work .

  11. 花园工具,例如泥铲,耙子或锄头

    Garden tools , such as a trowel , fork , or hoe

  12. 请过一会儿就停止使用锄头。

    Please restrain from using your hoes after a while .

  13. 靠精细的耕耘和老式的锄头来控制杂草。

    Weeds are controlled with precision tillage and the old fashioned hoe .

  14. 这园丁用锄头锄草。

    The gardener used a hoe to remove weeds .

  15. ③我带着桶去学校,同学们带着桶、锄头在校门口等待。

    My classmates were waiting at the school gate with buckets and hoes .

  16. 几百人带着铁锹和锄头来到现场,

    Hundreds of people came with shovels and hoes ,

  17. 她给自己买了一把锄头和一把镰刀。

    She brought herself a hoe and a sickle .

  18. 那位老人把锄头柄往上敲。

    The old man knocked the hoe handle up .

  19. 我拿着锄头来锄草。

    Let me weed the ground with a hoe .

  20. 锄头和铲子,一天一美元。

    Pick and shovel , a dollar a day .

  21. 迪恩咒骂一声,猛地从我手中夺过锄头。

    Dean Swore and grabbed the hoe from me .

  22. 他们扛起铁锹和锄头就出发了。

    They set out , shouldering spades and hoes .

  23. 他抄起一把锄头就干活。

    He took up a pickaxe into the job .

  24. 她疯了她拿着锄头威胁说要扒了我的皮

    She 's crazy . She had a pickax.She threatened to skin me .

  25. 他购置了所需的全部园艺工具,包括铁锹和锄头。

    He bought all the gardening utensils he needed , including spades and hoes .

  26. 他拿起锄头打算去田里。

    He picked up his hoe and was ready to go to the field .

  27. 本可藉锄头填平的,现在却得用铲子才行。

    He fills with a spade what should have been filled with a hoe .

  28. 他从来不把锄头叫锄头。

    He never calls a spade a spade .

  29. 我举着锄头,慢慢地向前走着。

    I raised the hoe and slowly advanced .

  30. 用锄头铲除野草,保护植株和根系。

    Protect your plants and their roots by aggressively weeding with a shallow hoe .
