
  • 网络platinum-iridium alloy
  1. 烧结铂铱合金电极在电解水装置中的应用

    Application of sintered platinum-iridium alloy electrode in water electrolysis device

  2. 氧化还原滴定法测定铂铱合金中的铱

    Determination of Ir in Pt-Ir alloys by Oxidation-reduction Titration

  3. 1889年某项国际协议中规定,该铂铱合金圆柱体的质量为1千克。

    By an 1889 international accord , the mass of this metal cylinder defines the kilogram .

  4. ICP&AES法测定铂铱合金中钯、铑、金、铁含量

    Measurement of pd , rh , au , fe contents in pt ir alloy by icp aes method

  5. 巴黎城外的一个玻璃罩里存放着一个铂铱合金圆柱体,这个圆柱体就是全世界测量物体质量的参照标准。

    In a laboratory vault outside Paris is a small cylinder of platinum iridium alloy that serves as the standard for all mass measurements worldwide .

  6. 历经多年,质量标准参照物——铂铱合金圆柱体的质量已略有减轻。你倒不至于把浴室秤给扔掉,但计量学家就有得操心了。

    The reference cylinder 's mass has drifted slightly through the years - not enough to throw off your bathroom scale , but enough to bother measurement scientists .

  7. 历经多年,质量标准参照物&铂铱合金圆柱体的质量已略有减轻。你倒不至于把浴室秤给扔掉,但计量学家就有得操心了。

    The reference cylinder 's mass has drifted slightly through the years & not enough to throw off your bathroom scale , but enough to bother measurement scientists .

  8. 研究背景和目的:各类稳定的贵金属如铂铱合金制成的电极已经广泛地用于深部脑的刺激或记录,以研究神经系统的功能或治疗各类疾病。

    Background and objectives : Electrodes made from precious metals such as platinum-iridium ( Pt-Ir ) have been widely used to stimulate or record in the deep brain to study the function or treat disorders of the nervous system .

  9. 介绍了用电感耦合等离子矩作光源的发射光谱法(ICP&AES法)测定铂铱合金中钯、铑、金、铁含量的试验方法、主要试剂、仪器及工作条件。

    The paper introduced the test method , main reagents , apparatus and working condition of the determination of Pd , Rh , Au , Fe contents in Pt-Ir alloy by ICP-AES method with such ion moments as inductance coupling as light source .

  10. 看来,目前,还是只能用巴黎市外的那个铂-铱合金小圆柱体来衡量质量了。

    So , for the time being , that little metal cylinder outside Paris will just have to keep pulling its weight . I mean , mass .

  11. 目的评估两种不同结构设计的国产铂-铱合金明胶蛋白涂层支架置入兔颈动脉后长期的生物相容性。

    Objectives To assess the biocompatibility of the two kinds of different design and wire diameter gelatin coated Platinium Iridium ( Pt Ir ) stents in rabbit carotid arteries .