
huò miǎn
  • exempt;remit;exempt(from taxes or from customs inspection, etc.);immunity;exemption
豁免 [huò miǎn]
  • (1) [exempt(from taxes or from customs inspection, etc.)]∶免除 [捐税、劳役等]

  • 豁免捐税

  • (2) [remit]免除 [处罚]

  • 在包括赔款和监禁的判决中,赔款经常是豁免的

  • [immunity;exemption] 免除

  • 立法豁免

豁免[huò miǎn]
  1. 经销商,如果只将他们的名称和地址添加在标签上,可以豁免GMP要求。

    A distributor who only adds a label bearing their name and address is exempt from the GMP requirements .

  2. 如果政府想豁免它们,也许就能做到。

    If Beijing wants to exempt them , it probably can .

  3. 那名使馆官员申请外交豁免,随后被释放。

    The embassy official claimed diplomatic immunity and was later released .

  4. 捐税已豁免了。

    The taxes have been remitted .

  5. 使我感到惊讶的是,他会无条件同意豁免你的债务。

    I 'm surprised that he should agree to forgive you the debt unconditionally .

  6. 但没有人为了限制豁免做足够的工作。

    But no one does enough to limit exemptions .

  7. 有17个州允许父母获得豁免,有时只需要签署一份文件表示他们个人反对接种疫苗。

    Seventeen states allow parents to get an exemption , sometimes just by signing a paper saying they personally object to a vaccine .

  8. 他要求外交豁免以便避免被捕。

    He claims diplomatic immunity to avoid being arrested .

  9. Fas配体表达诱导同种胰岛移植免疫豁免

    Fas ligand expression induced immune privilege of pancreatic islet allografts

  10. 4.n.免除;豁免;免疫力长期的精神紧张与抑郁和免疫力低下有关。

    Chronic stress is associated with depression and suppressed immunity .

  11. Sertoli细胞诱导大鼠肝内胰岛移植物免疫豁免的实验研究

    Sertoli cell induced immune privilege of pancreatic islet allografts in rat intrahepatic

  12. 目的检测某机场X射线行李包检查系统辐射,并进行辐射安全性评价和放射性豁免分析。

    Objective To monitor the dose of the radiation monitoring , to assess the safety and analyze the radioactivity exemptions of the X-ray luggage inspection system at an airport .

  13. 大多数国家规定由联邦EMS服务的法规和行政法规的一般豁免军事基地EMS服务。

    Most states provide general exemptions for military base EMS services from statutes and administrative codes for federal EMS services .

  14. 他们的逻辑是,如果政府宣告外国人现在免征MAT,那么他们过去肯定没有得到豁免。

    If the government claims foreigners are now exempt from MAT , their logic goes , they must not have been exempt before .

  15. 以定制或定制化所指定的器械并不授予GMP豁免。

    The designation of a device as a " custom " or " customized " device does not confer a GMP exemption .

  16. 现有的研究证实产生免疫豁免部位组织中某种细胞持续表达FasL是引起免疫豁免的重要原因之一。

    Available researches have confirmed that it was one of the important reasons that certain cells expressed FasL in the immune exemption places .

  17. 而且按照GATS附件规定,最惠国待遇豁免应于2004年12月31日应终止。

    And according to the provisions of Annex of GATS , the MFN exemptions should be terminated in December 31,2004 .

  18. 弗兰克表示,有关从国会正在考虑的otc市场改革措施中豁免外汇交易的提议,不会被采纳。

    He said mooted exemptions for foreign exchange trades from the OTC market reforms being considered by US Congress would not be adopted .

  19. 睾丸支持细胞(Sertoli细胞)高表达FasL是睾丸成为免疫豁免器官的重要原因之一。

    Testicular supporting cells ( Sertoli cells ) expressing plenty of FasL is one of the important reasons that testicle become immune exemption organ .

  20. NBA的劳资协议中存在很多限制竞争的规定,但可以凭借劳资豁免规避反垄断法的适用。

    There are a lot of competition restriction stipulations in the labor agreement of NBA , but the application of the antitrust law can be dodged by means of labor exemption .

  21. 彭博通讯社(Bloomberg)报道称,工行将请求监管机构豁免一些信息披露方面的规定,以便使内地的招股说明书符合香港的相关规定。

    Bloomberg reported that ICBC would ask regulators for waivers on some of disclosure rules in order to make the mainland prospectus compatible with Hong Kong rules .

  22. 如FDA检查官在工厂访问中提出要求,则应在正常的工作时间出示豁免记录以确认所授予的豁免。

    Upon request during a factory visit , the exemption records need to be shown during normal business hours to the FDA investigator in order to verify that an exemption has been granted .

  23. cftc表示,这些规定若在今天生效,将影响大约10家大交易商,这些交易商随后还可申请豁免这些限制。

    The CFTC said the rules , if adopted today , would affect about 10 large traders , who could then seek exemptions from the limits .

  24. StevenWang说,他不清楚滴滴快的的司机是否在上月警方对专车采取的执法行动中获得豁免。在那次行动中,据报道有数十名司机的汽车被扣押,警方威胁要吊销他们的驾照。

    Mr Wang said he had no information on whether the company 's drivers had been exempted from police raids on private taxis last month in which several dozen drivers reportedly had their cars impounded and police had threatened to revoke their licences .

  25. 一种是获得治疗用途豁免(TUE)——医生开具的证明,说明你出于医疗原因需要某种药物。

    One is to get a therapeutic use exemption ( TUE ) - a doctor 's note saying you need a drug for medical reasons .

  26. 受到反射的目标必须通过DC14的意志豁免检定,否则将跳出时间5轮,仿佛受到“时间跳跃”异能的影响。

    A creature meeting its own gaze in the mirror must succeed on a DC14 Will save or be pushed forward in time by5 rounds , as if subject to the time hop power .

  27. 本文通过四个部分对作证交易豁免制度进行了探讨。

    This paper will discuss the transactional immunity in four parts .

  28. 同时,在特定情况下,协助义务也可以豁免。

    In particular circumstances , the assistance obligations can be exempted .

  29. 成功地通过意志豁免的生物可以抵抗该效果。

    Creatures can resist the effect with a successful Will save .

  30. 很明显,债务豁免变得容易,而且在政治上更受欢迎。

    Clearly , debt forgiveness has become easy and politically palatable .