
yín yóu shī rén
  • bard;minstrel;troubadour
  1. 我会用我的吟游诗人歌曲帮你集中精神!

    I 'll use my bard song to help you concentrate !

  2. 是吟游诗人的或关于吟游诗人的诗歌的。

    Being a bard or relating to a bard 's poetry .

  3. 他们欢宴狂饮,还有吟游诗人的歌唱作伴助兴。

    There were feasts and drinking and singing by the bards .

  4. 在来到这里之前,这个吟游诗人已经去过很多地方。

    The minstrel had been to many places before he came here .

  5. 在职业任务中,通过吟游诗人可以召唤裂牙。

    Cracktooth can be summoned by a Minstrel on a class quest .

  6. 其实,我是有听过些奥尔雷西恩吟游诗人的传闻。

    Alistair : You know , I 've heard about the Orlesian bards .

  7. 于是吟游诗人与国王之间就产生了深厚的感情。

    A strong love has sprung up between the minstrel and the king .

  8. 吟游诗人现在得到剑术掌握了。

    Bards can now gain the blade master discipline .

  9. 这名吟游诗人在全国游历,吟唱他自己写的诗歌。

    The minstrel travelled about the country singing songs and poems written by him .

  10. 这位吟游诗人直到19世纪才得到正式敬重。

    Reverence for ' The Bard ' had to wait until the nineteenth century .

  11. 南朝时期,佛教盛行,涌现出了一批著名高僧。吟游诗人何时盛行?这份季刊当时盛极一时。

    Buddhism prevailed in Southern Dynasty and a great multitude of famous monks emerged .

  12. 吟游诗人中世纪的流浪歌手;

    A medieval itinerant singer ; a minstrel .

  13. 徘徊往复的闷雷是没有听众的吟游诗人

    Wandering thunder is a minstrel without an audience

  14. 一种叙事诗,如中世纪为吟游诗人所传唱的;民谣。

    A narrative poem , such as one sung by medieval minstrels ; a ballad .

  15. 他们在欧洲的确是作为吟游诗人而留存到中世纪的。

    They survived , indeed , in Europe as the minstrels into the Middle Ages .

  16. 哈,一个吟游诗人?我父亲告诉过我吟游诗人们弱得很。

    Na : A bard , huh ? My father taught me that bards were underpowered .

  17. 他也被称为所被知道的装订工人,并且是吟游诗人的赞助人。

    He is also known as the Binder of What is Known , and is the Patron of Bards .

  18. 吟游诗人风行于12世纪至14世纪的继承游吟诗人传统的德国抒情诗人和歌手。

    One of the German lyric poets and singers in the troubadour tradition who flourished from the12th to the14th century .

  19. 好了,吁,你的头一级本该选个简单点的,像是吟游诗人或是游荡者。

    E : Well , gee , you should have taken your first level in something easier , like bard or rogue .

  20. 大概是这样一位作家,他曾自称为“流氓无产者的吟游诗人”,这对他自己创作的最好的描绘。

    Is probably a writer , he was called " rogue proletarians bards ," this is the best of his own creation .

  21. 吟游诗人鲜少光临地处极北的临冬城,但她在奔流城的少女时代常见识这类人。

    Few wandering singers ever ventured as far north as Winterfell , but she knew his like from her girlhood in Riverrun .

  22. 在2012年,扮演莎士比亚的演员伊恩·麦克莱恩爵士大胆宣称,毫无疑问这位吟游诗人是双性恋。

    In 2012 , Shakespearean actor Sir Ian McKellen boldly announced that there was absolutely ' no doubt ' the bard was bisexual .

  23. 吟游诗人的手从死马底下伸出来,在泥地里乱抠,活像只五条脚的蜘蛛。

    The singer 's hand came crawling out from beneath the dead animal , scrabbling in the dirt like a spider with five legs .

  24. 以前史诗被认定为某一独特的盲吟游诗人荷马所作,人们猜想他坐下来创作时,弥尔顿正在创作《失乐园》。

    Formerly they were ascribed to a particular blind bard , homer , who was supposed to have sat down and composed them as Milton composed paradise lost .

  25. 雅鲁藏布江穿过阿萨姆邦,他也被称为“雅鲁藏布江畔的吟游诗人”,他在孟加拉国和北印度都有唱片出版,为无数印度电影演唱插曲。

    Known as Bard of the Brahmaputra after the river that flows through Assam , he also recorded in Bengali and Hindi , singing the soundtrack for numerous Indian films .

  26. 最新出炉的“莎翁照片”与我们原有对这位吟游诗人面相的理解大有出入呢。

    The image shows every wrinkle on the playwright 's face and the figure 's haunted stare is radically different from existing images which purport to be of the Bard .

  27. 他是首代凤凰王的后裔,也有些精灵吟游诗人说他事实上就是阿纳瑞欧的转世,因为那样的勇气和技巧只属于他。

    He is a descendant of the first Phoenix king , and some Elven bards say that he is in fact Aenarion reborn , so valiant and skilled is he .

  28. 费斯克将现代的大众传媒与中世纪的吟游诗人进行类比,指出大众传媒具有塑造集体文化的功能;

    Fiske drawed a analogy between modern mass media and the bard of Middle Ages , then , pointed out that mass media has a function which moulds collective culture .

  29. 杰伦忧郁的嗓音已经完全不同与刚出道时的青涩,吟游诗人般地将岁月的脚步镌刻进那一尊青花瓷器。

    Jay melancholy voice has been completely different from the business for the time Sentimental , Bard will be the years the pace of a camel inscribed into the blue and white porcelain in that respect .

  30. 游荡者如为寻欢作乐或参加社会活动而四处游荡的人好了,吁,你的头一级本该选个简单点的,像是吟游诗人或是游荡者。

    One who roams or roves about , as in search of amusement or social activity . E : Well , gee , you should have taken your first level in something easier , like bard or rogue .