
  • 网络Smile angel Foundation
  1. 同年,王菲李亚鹏夫妇成立嫣然天使基金会,致力于为广大唇腭裂儿童提供医疗救助。

    The couple founded the Smile Angel Foundation , a charity for Chinese children with cleft palates .

  2. 嫣然天使基金会发表声明称王菲李亚鹏夫妇的离婚不会影响到该基金会的正常运行。

    The Smile Angel Foundation has released a statement saying it will not be affected by the couple ` s divorce .

  3. 由流行天后王菲和影星李亚鹏夫妇不久前成立的“嫣然天使基金会”今年制订了一个大计划。

    The charitable foundation launched recently by pop diva Faye Wong and her film star husband Li Yapeng has set an ambitious agenda for this year .
