
yān hóng
  • bright red
嫣红 [yān hóng]
  • [bright red] 鲜艳的红色

  • 姹紫嫣红

嫣红[yān hóng]
  1. 每年阳春三月,十里桃花,嫣红一片,分外妖娆。

    In March every year , the peach trees will be in full bloom , presenting a colourful scene of great charm .

  2. 花丛一片嫣红。天竺葵是种开红、粉红或白色花的花园植物。

    The flowering shrubs were a scarlet flame . The geranium is a garden plant with red , pink or white flowers .

  3. 普儿的黑眼珠里有落日的嫣红,温驯地走到一池深红、玫瑰红、紫红的水边。

    Platero , his dark eyes scarlet from the sunset , walks off gently to a pool of crimson and rose and violet waters ;

  4. 第一缕阳光是我对你的深深祝福,夕阳收起的最后一抹嫣红是我对你衷心的问候,送上真挚的祝福:新年快乐!

    The first sunshine is my blessings , the setting up last fantasy is to you my heartfelt greeting , I send sincere blessings : happy New Year !

  5. 浓郁的玫瑰芳香,甜润的李子,宛如漫步在嫣红的情怀里,掩不住幸福的味道。

    The rich Rose fragrant and sweet plum lead you to the fantasy of strolling in the bright red mood that can 't cover up the taste of happiness .

  6. 雷迪嘎嘎一直以夸张的化妆闻名,但这一次她却选择展露她的自然美。画了个淡妆,雷迪嘎嘎看上去脸色红润,唇色嫣红。

    Whereas Gaga is often known to pile on the make-up , she opted for a lighter touch this time , enhancing her natural beauty with a healthy glow and rose-tinted lips .

  7. 那真是座美丽的山城,汽车开去,一路坡上坡下满是一片嫣红。乔伊斯?真是个美好的晴天,我会不想离开旧金山的。

    It was really a beautiful mountain city . As we drove on , an expanse of rich crimson up and down the slope came into sight . Joyce ? What a wonderful sunny day , I will hate to leave Frisco .
