
  1. 从1994年到2007年,南山村共兼并周围贫弱村落33个,极大地推动了小区域内村落终结的步伐。

    From 1994 to 2007 , about 33 poor villages around Nanshan been annexed by Nanshan , has greatly promoted the pace of the end of the village in a small region .

  2. 本研究通过对南山村经济社会发展的考察,明确了村落形式边界的消失和核心边界的模糊化的现状,进而得出村落终结已是南山发展的大势所趋的结论。

    Through investigate economic and social development of Nanshan village , this study defines a situation that the disappearance of villages ' formal boundary and the blurring of villages ' nuclear boundary , and then push out the end of the village is the development trend of Nanshan .

  3. 南山尾上村东食水池

    Nam Shan Mei Sheung Tsuen East Water Tank

  4. 多种长尾的北美洲雀鸟。南山尾上村北食水池

    Any of numerous long-tailed American finches . Nam Shan Mei Sheung Tsuen North Water Tank